Chapter two: Before I Forget

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It had been three years from the incident with Eyeless Jack where he killed my father, and my father killed my mother. I'm turning 17 today. Those words of his, they always run through my mind. I think I should go now... but just know, I will come see you again. Remember that okay?"
Always, constantly running through my head. "Scarlet! It's time to wake up!" Screams my uncle from the kitchen. He had taken me in one, because he lived down the street, and two, because he stilled lived in my school district.
Sighing and dragging myself out of bed, I look at my clock: 5:12 am it reads. I scoff at myself silently and put on my Bring Me The Horizon Hoodie, black skinny jeans, and my black converse. Running down the stairs of my house, I find that all of the lights are off and its very quiet.
"Uncle Ryan?" I say, going down the stairs a little bit slower and looking around. I get my pocket knife from my hoodie pocket, open it, and start to look around.
"Surprise!" Says my uncle who scared me half to death as I throw a knife at him, just missing him by a hair. "Damn, Scarlet, tense much?" Says my Uncle, teasing me. "I'm fine. Just... Please don't do that again." I say, looking away, the slightest bit embarrassed and I go to grab my pocket knife where it was lodged in the wall.
"Well, if you don't throw a knife at me, I bought a sausage breakfast pizza from Casey's." Says my uncle grinning and handing me a pizza box. I open it to smell the scent of pizza, making my gums water. After about 10 minutes, we had finished the pizza. I look at the clock for it to read 6:53 am. "Sorry to ruin the party, but I need to go to school!" I say, grabbing my book bags and walking out the door.
Lately it has been getting colder out, because it was the middle of fall. I put my gloves on and walk away from the house to school. I'm about halfway to school when I come across and alley. Deciding to go through it because I saw my school on the other side, I slowly enter.
I'm about halfway through when I hear "Hey there, pretty girl. What is someone like you doing out here all by yourself?" Says a man looking to be near his early twenties, and a druggy. Ignoring his comment, I continue walking on.
"Aw, come on... I won't bite, little girl." At that point, I was just done with it. Reaching into my Bring Me The Horizon hoodie, I draw my knife out to his neck.
"Think again, bro. I'm not just some random person you can try to get your filthy, perverted, hands on. So get the fuck away before I call the cops." I say simply as I put the knife back in my hoodie, leaving the man behind me clueless of what just happen.
School was boring like it always was, and I was headed on your way home. Deciding to avoid the alley on the way there, I take the long way home. It was a casual Friday night, just barely dark out. I hear a strange noise behind me, so I take a look. Nothing there.
As I continue walking, I hear it again, but when I look around, I find that same man from earlier, along with some of his "Friends." "What, do you want some more of me?"
I say, bored out of my mind. I want to go home. "You know, for such a pretty girl like you, it sure sucks for you to have those scars on your left eye." That's right... those scars always remind me of that night. If Jack is out there... He... needs to find me before I forget all about him. Coming back to reality, I punch the guy in the face.
"You know, if you want your life, you should really not be acting like such a bitch!" Says the man, holding his face where I punched him. I take the knife back out, but it's whacked out of my hands as I'm pinned to the ground. Struggling to get up, I realize that it's not just the leader that's ganging up on me, but it's the whole group.
A random guy from the group comes and ties my mouth up, and throws me in the car. Trying my best to get free and get someone's attention, I scream and kick and punch as much as I can. After about 10 minutes of driving, we arrive at an old, abandoned hospital. Grabbing me and throwing him over my shoulder, they take me inside.
The inside scares me; its falling apart, but this is where they seem to live. I see so many Adult disks everywhere, blood, and screaming in the distance. This is it. This is where I die. I think to myself. They soon get to where they want me, and they cuff my hands to the wall, and my legs to the floor. Unable to move, the lead guy comes up to me.
"You know, if you were good, we would have let you go... But since you had to go and punch me... Now we have to punish you." Says the male, getting a dirty look on his face. I scream in terror. I knew what he was going to do to me. No. Please don't... He stands up, looks at me up and down, then takes my pocket knife and rips my shirt in half and tears it off.
Getting a disgusting look on his face, he starts to cut my pants. Screaming in terror, I hear something outside of the door. Busting in a minute later, I see... No it can't be... I see Jack. Eyeless Jack. Standing there...
"I think I should go now... but just know, I will come see you again. Remember that okay?" Those words go through my mind once again as I see him. He grabs the perverted man and throws him to the floor, and grabs his scalpel.
He starts taking out the man's intestines, and it was clear to me that he was giving him a slow and painful death. Watching from where I was held captive, I watch somewhat happily as the man takes his last breath. I see Jack look up at me.
"I told you I would come back, didn't I?" Said Jack, looking at me. All I could do was stare.
"So, do you want down or something?" He says, smirking. I nod my head, and he takes of the hand cuffs.
"Here... I grabbed these from your house before I came... I knew this perverted wouldn't take it that far, but I was wrong..." He says, handing me the clothes and looking away. A minute later, I have them on and an fully dressed, and I finally speak.
"So... Jack... How did you know that I was here?" I say to him, and finally look at him. "Well, let me say that I've been watching you this whole time, I just was waiting for the right moment..."
He confesses. "That's fine Jack, but can you take me home? My uncle is probably very worried." I say, kicking the dead pervert on the floor.
"Sure." Says Jack, walking me out to his car. We soon arrive at my house, with the porch light still on. That meant I wasn't late yet... I get out of the car and go to shut the door, but Jack stops me.
"So Scarlet, would you meet me outside of your house tomorrow at nine? I... kind of want to catch up with you." He says, looking at the wheel. "Of course I will Jack." I say, walking up to the house and waving goodbye. I head up to my room to find a box laying on my bed.
To: Scarlet From: EJ.

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