Strawberries and Cream

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!! TW !!: Explicit content... again !! Bro is a freak I'm sorry

Fred jammed the gutting hook into the animal's abdomen, grunting loudly as he practically ripped its stomach open with brutal force.

He pulled at the skin harshly, removing it from the body before plunging the hook back into its muscles. He carelessly allowed blood and organs to spill from the creature, plopping at his feet as he took out his frustration on the creature. He gritted his teeth as he finally unlogged the tool from its thick skin, huffing as he stared at his sloppy work.

The wet dream he'd had about Elizabeth had driven him absolutely mad. Never in his entire life had he been this hung up over any kind of feeling, especially the feeling of... lust. Even just thinking the word made him want to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. If Mama Elsh still had a mind, she'd be so disappointed. The fact that God could see his thoughts just made him feel all the more guilty.

No matter how many times he had tried to keep himself busy, to keep the cravings at bay, nothing seemed to work. Distractions only seemed to make him feel more desperate. He felt like a man possessed with how erratic the whole situation was making him, heck maybe he was.

Fred was interrupted by a voice calling to him, stopping his assault on the pig before him. "Lord, calm down, the pig ain't goin' anywhere!"

Fred paused, narrowing his eyes at his boss who was now standing in the doorway, looking at him like he was some unhinged lunatic. The short man scratched his graying beard, a frown etched across his face. "What's up with you? I've never seen you so worked up before."

"Just stuff," Fred muttered, shaking his gloved hands and slinging some of the animal's blood onto the tiled floor.

"Trouble at home?" David pressed, trying to gouge what could be bothering the usually docile giant. "Woman problems?"

"... something like that," Fred responded, placing down the gutting hook as he tried to pull himself back together.

There was no way he was about to tell his boss he was having perverted thoughts that were driving him up the wall about a woman he'd spoken a whole ten words to.

David let out a dry chuckle. "I know how you feel, brother. Women can be a handful. My wife drives me half crazy. Word of advice, Freddy; make sure she ain't a bitch before you put a ring on her finger."

Fred's eyes twitched. There it was again. That all too familiar dislike for a lover. Why did it seem like every married couple he'd ever seen seemed unhappy in their relationship? How did love turn to hatred so easily?

It wasn't even love at that point, it was just... toleration.

Him and Elizabeth wouldn't have been like that. They would have embraced each other and truly loved one another. They wouldn't have murmured vile words about the other to others behind closed doors. They would have adored each other, even in their private thoughts. Nothing like the love he was so accustomed to.


Fred sat silently on the subway, his hands picking at the skin of his fingers in his lap as the rickety train sped down the tracks.

The train stopped, the double doors opening to allow passengers to get on and get off. Several people slipped out of the doors while a couple trickled in, quickly taking their seats as they waited for the train to start moving. 

A teenage girl, one who was definitely too young to be traveling on the subway alone, walked past Fred without so much as looking in his direction. Her head bobbed to whatever song was blasting through her headphones, her hands shoved into her pockets as she moved past him.

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