Part 25

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Theo's fists clenched at his sides, rage boiling up inside him. "You did this. You handed her over to them."

"I didn't have a choice!" Levin shouted, his voice breaking. "They threatened my family, my sister... I couldn't let them die. Please, Theo. I'm begging you. Let me help you get her back."

Rhyder scoffed, his arms crossed over his chest. "How do we know this isn't another trap?"

Levin shook his head, his voice hoarse. "It's not. I swear on my life. I want to make this right."

Theo stared at him for a long moment, the tension in the air thick enough to cut with a knife. Finally, he spoke, his voice low and filled with warning. "If you betray us again, I'll kill you myself."

Levin nodded, swallowing hard. "I understand."

Maren stepped forward, her face grim. "We don't have time to waste. If what he's saying is true, we need to move now."

Theo nodded, turning to face the group. "We leave in five. Get ready."

The group moved swiftly through the forest, their footsteps barely making a sound as they followed Levin's lead. The facility wasn't far, but every second felt like an eternity as the weight of their mission pressed down on them. Kira's life hung in the balance, and failure wasn't an option.

Theo's mind raced as they neared their destination. If what Levin said was true, they would be walking into a heavily guarded facility, and they had little chance of surviving a direct confrontation. They would need to rely on stealth, precision, and a bit of luck to pull this off.

As they approached the edge of the forest, the facility came into view. It was a large, imposing structure surrounded by barbed wire and guard towers. Armed soldiers patrolled the perimeter, their faces obscured by helmets.

"There," Levin whispered, pointing to a side entrance. "That's where they're keeping her. The guards rotate every twenty minutes. We'll have a small window to get in."

Theo nodded, turning to the others. "We split into two teams. Maren, Rhyder, and Elias, you take the north side and create a diversion. Liora, Levin, and I will go through the side entrance and get Kira. We meet back here in twenty minutes."

Everyone nodded, their expressions grim but determined. Theo could feel the tension in the air as they prepared to move. This was it—their only chance to save Kira.

As Maren's team moved into position, Theo, Liora, and Levin crept toward the side entrance, staying low to the ground. Theo's heart pounded in his chest, his senses on high alert as they approached the door. He glanced at Levin, who gave a small nod before stepping forward to disable the lock.

The door clicked open, and they slipped inside, moving quickly and silently through the dimly lit corridors. The sound of distant voices echoed through the hallways, but they kept their movements slow and deliberate, avoiding detection.

Finally, they reached a large steel door at the end of the hallway. Levin quickly typed in a code, and the door slid open with a hiss, revealing a sterile, brightly lit room beyond.

There, lying unconscious on a table, was Kira.

Theo's heart skipped a beat as he rushed to Kira's side. Her face was pale, her breathing shallow, but she was alive. They didn't have much time—he could see the equipment around her, designed to extract her blood. The process was set to begin any minute.

Liora moved quickly, disconnecting the wires and tubes attached to Kira's body. "We need to get her out of here, now."

Levin stood by the door, keeping watch as Theo and Liora gently lifted Kira off the table. She was barely conscious, her body limp in their arms.

Just as they were about to move, alarms blared through the facility. Red lights flashed, and the sound of footsteps thundered down the hall.

"They know we're here," Levin said, his voice tense. "We need to move!"

Theo cursed under his breath as they bolted for the exit, Kira's limp form cradled between him and Liora. The sound of soldiers shouting orders filled the air as they ran through the hallways, dodging bullets and ducking into cover when necessary.

The alarms wailed relentlessly as Theo, Liora, and Levin sprinted down the sterile corridors of the facility, Kira barely conscious in their arms. The once-deadly quiet had been shattered by the cacophony of shouts and gunfire. They were being hunted.

"We're not going to make it if we don't get out of here soon!" Levin shouted over the noise, his eyes scanning the area for an exit.

Theo's mind raced as they dodged into another hallway, narrowly avoiding a squad of armed guards. He tightened his grip on Kira, her weight a constant reminder of their fragile mission. "We have to! We can't let them take her back."

Liora shot Levin a glance. "You said you knew the layout. There must be a quicker way out!"

Levin, out of breath, grimaced. "There's an emergency access hatch near the lower levels, but it's risky. We'll be running right into more guards."

"Then we fight," Liora said firmly, her voice resolute. "We've come too far to stop now."

Theo glanced at the fading sunlight through a small window in the corridor. They were running out of time, not just from the guards but from the eclipse itself. If they didn't get back to the bunker soon, everyone would be at risk. They had to act fast.

"Lead the way, Levin. We don't have a choice," Theo ordered.

The group moved swiftly, following Levin's lead as they descended into the lower levels of the facility. The corridors grew narrower and darker, the sound of approaching guards echoing behind them. Liora kept her weapon ready, her eyes scanning for any signs of movement. Theo could feel his heart racing, every second bringing them closer to a deadly confrontation.

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