part 3

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Part 3

Jihoon- it's nothing to be surprised I just said the facts.

Soonyoung- no actually the words doesn't match you but what are you saying.

Jihoon- nothing and it's not your business.

Soonyoung- ok if you don't want to tell I am not interested too.

Jihoon- it's the best to not tell.

Changkyun- but you can tell me.

Jihoon- no i don't want to tell this to anyone please don't mind.

Changkyun- it's ok I will not force you.

Soonyoung- oh sweet talk with him what have I done that you are rude to me.

Jihoon- I just hate you.

Soonyoung- is that so I will see for how many days you will hate me.

Jihoon- I will hate you forever.

School is ended

The next day start.

Everyone reached at the school but Soonyoung didn't came yet.

Teacher came everyone stood up greets teacher.

Teacher- Ok so everyone is present right.

Daehoon- No teacher Soonyoung is not here yet.

Teacher- not yet I will give him punishment for coming this late. Ok now open korean literature book.

After some time.

Soonyoung- Teacher may I come in.

Teacher- no you are late stay outside until I complete the class.

After class ends.

Soonyoung then sits in his seat.

Daehoon- Soonyoung why are you late today.

Soonyoung- I am always late.

Daehoon- but still today you came really late.

Soonyoung- oh. By the way hey rude person hey I am talking to you Jihoon.

Jihoon- first of all I have a name so call me with that I will answer but if you disrespect me then don't except me to answer ok.

Soonyoung- ok ok listen to me I didn't do maths homework lend me your copy.

Jihoon- why would I give you my copy.

Soonyoung- I need to do the homework so give me now.

Jihoon- I won't.

Soonyoung- did you forget teacher said you to help me.

Jihoon- I will give you but you have to say please then I will.

Soonyoung- is that necessary.

Jihoon- yes.

Soonyoung- then I don't need your copy.

Jihoon- Okay.

Soonyoung- no wait. Can you please give me your copy.

Jihoon- here take it.

Soonyoung- ok thanks.

After Soonyoung did his Homework.

Soonyoung- Jihoon here is your copy.

Jihoon- are you done.

Soonyoung- yes.

Jihoon- ok good.

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