1. First Meeting

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Emperor Akbar had a mobile court which one day found itself in a village in what is now Madhya Pradesh, where a young Brahmin family, Mahesh Das, lived. Mahesh heard a herald announce that Emperor Akbar would award a thousand gold coins to the artist who pleased him with the most realistic portrait of the Emperor.
                On the appointed day and time, there was a beeline of artists before the Court; each had a covered picture of the Emperor. Everyone in the Court was anxious to find who would get the coveted prize of one thousand coins.
Akbar, sitting on a high -throne, received the folded portraits, and rejected them one by one with his cryptic comments. "No. This is not exactly what I am now."
The poor Brahmin, Mahesh Das, who later became famous as Birbal, was waiting for his chance. He was the last to show the portrait he carried with him

What solution given by the Birbal to satisfy the Emperor.... Will be in the next part.....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2024 ⏰

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