Chapter 23

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"So, Ron" the Irish Gryffindor began, trying to force the redhead's attention away from glaring at the Slytherin table. Sure, he liked spending time with his roommate, but he would be the first to admit that the Weasley had more than a few jealousy problems. "Are you planning on going to the Ball?"


"The Yule Ball Ron..." Dean chimed in, thankful for the distraction, "You know, that big dance that all the girls want to go to..."

"Oh... yeah that. I mean Lav is going with me so..."

"Uh... are you sure..." Seamus inquired, gesturing over to where a few boys were talking with said girl. Ron stood, and stomped over to where his 'girlfriend' was sitting and being flirted with.

"I'm just saying miss Brown that you can do so much better than Ronald Weasley of all people." An older Gryffindor huskily whispered, earning a blush and giggle from the girl.

The youngest Weasley son promptly stood and stomped over, gritting his teeth as he approached the group, "What. Are. You. Doing!?"

"Oh, hello Ron, I am sitting here talking to some of our Housemates."

Glaring at the older boys, who proceeded to return the look, the redhead's face continued to shift colors to match his hair until a few more moments passed before the younger boy snarled and grabbed her by the arm before pulling her out of the Main Hall and into a more private corner.

"What the hell is wrong with you!? Flirting with some... some boys?"

Ripping her arm from his hold she was quick to snap back, "They were flirting with me and I don't see the problem in it."

"The problem is that we are together, which means that you are going with me to the Ball!"

"Oh?" the girl put a finger to her mouth in contemplation, "You know I could have sworn that I saw you asking a certain French Witch to the Ball not even a week ago..."

The boy flushed with an embarrassed anger before muttering back, "I mean... that isn't... that doesn't mean anything..."

"Ah so you can flirt and ask someone else, but I am not allowed to?"

"Exactly! If Potter can have more than one girl…"

It was her turn to growl back at the boy, forcing him back a few steps as she poked forcefully at his chest. "You are not Harry and you listen to me Ronald Weasley. If you want any chance of going to the dance with me then you are going to ask me..."

"Lav I..."

"PROPERLY!" She interrupted with a shout, scaring away any lingering students in the area. "You are going to do it in the middle of the Great Hall, with everyone watching. You will get down on one knee and you will tell me how much of a prat you have been and beg for me to take you back and forgive your stupidity. Then and only then will I go with you."

"B-b-but Lav... that's embarrassing..."

"You think it was any less embarrassing having my so-called boyfriend drooling and stuttering over some foreign girl when I was in the same room, which Harry did not do by the way!"

Harry Potter: Lord of Darkness by AngelSlayer135 Where stories live. Discover now