Chapter 33

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The 'pink toad', as she was now secretly called, cleared her throat to earn her the attention of the students seated in the room, "Now if you would all turn to page twelve in your books our time today will be spent reading about the method that our illustrious Ministry uses to sort the various creatures into their categories. Make sure you take good notes, as there will be a test tomorrow about what you have read." Her eyes shifted over to a certain raven-haired boy, secretly hoping he would make some sort of argument or show defiance. If going after those he cared about was taking this long then perhaps it would be easier to go after him instead.

But the teen merely did as she ordered and shifted into a more comfortable position in which to read. Grinding her teeth in annoyance the 'professor' glanced around for other potential targets, but found that those who had been noted as being the most loyal were all following his example.

'Fine then, perhaps there are other ways to attack.' she seethed, before calling out to the class as a whole, "Ten points to Gryffindor for Mr. Weasley's outstanding posture and attentiveness."

More than a few looked over to where the boy had practically fallen out of his chair at having his name called, apparently almost falling asleep moments prior.

Harry, on the other hand, hadn't even looked up, further drawing the ire of the woman in charge.


"Ah Mr. Weasley, please take a seat."

The redhead nodded a bit annoyed that she was stopping him before lunch. He immediately glanced around for any snacks the woman might have on her desk. Dumbledore kept candy in his office, after all, so it wasn't that much of a stretch to think she would as well.

"I notice you have been taking your status as Prefect very seriously." He grunted an affirmation, albeit a tad annoyed and hungry at the moment. Umbridge continued on as if she hadn't noticed his response. "The Headmaster and I have had several meetings concerning you Mr. Weasley, and we would like to see you take a more active approach at disciplining the students, including your fellow Prefects."

That brought the teen's attention to the woman as he blinked several times in confusion. "Are you saying..."

"If you were to become more involved and, should I say, aggressive in disciplining others, especially those who may be associated with a certain 'leader' in the Slytherin House then we could certainly be looking into a future position of Head Boy for you."

"H-H-Head Boy? Me?"

She nodded, "Indeed Mr. Weasley. The Minister of Magic himself and I have spoken with Headmaster Dumbledore about affording you more leeway than the other Prefects when it comes to discipline. Think of it as a promotion to 'Lead Prefect' if you will. Do not let us down Mr. Weasley."


"Mr. Lupin, could I speak with you for a moment please?"

Remus glanced up from the papers he was going through at the Metamorphmagus standing at the doorway to the room his best friend had declared to be 'Office de la Moony' and gave a nod, "Yes of course Tonks, please take a seat."

Nodding the woman closed the door behind her and sat down before taking a calming breath, there was no reason to be nervous after all, it was just a simple request. "I uhm… wanted to ask you about something."

Harry Potter: Lord of Darkness by AngelSlayer135 Where stories live. Discover now