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I looked towards Myles frantically. What the actual hell. Who are these people? Why are they so happy to see my husband alive? Could these be the people who made my husband pretend he was dead so they wouldn't find him? Were they the cause of all this?

When I looked at Myles, he emotions everywhere. A mixture of fear, panic, worry, and anger all in one. His face had those emotions written all over his face. He never once looked back at me.

"Myles, what the hell is going on?" I managed to find my words behind all my fear. The two men were smirking towards me and they beat him at speaking.

"Oh Myles, so this is your wonderful, gorgeous wife is it?" The taller one said with a sinister smile. He started to come my way and that was when Myles grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me behind him, causing me to pull on the twin stroller and have them follow.

"Do not dare to even come close to her." Myles seethed out. The two men started to chuckle and looked back at Myles.

"You're still an ass like we've known long before." The other one said. What is going on?! I want, I need to ask what is going on, but I can't find my voice anymore. "You were supposed to be dead. They said you died because of how bad the incident was. They said you were gone!" The first guy boomed his voice which made him ten times more worse than I actually thought possible. Why aren't people gathering around? Why are they just walking and not paying attention to the scene that's happening. No one is helping.

"Yes! To get away from you! To get away from him!" He shouted, his voice sounding fearful but also laced with a bit of... Desperation? Plead? I couldn't get my finger on it, but he sounded hurt. What happened with these guys?

"Myles, Myles. You thought that you'd pretend to just be dead and that we'd give up? Huh? Are you stupid?" One said.

The other piped in, "apparently he is, because he didn't think we were coming for him. Searching to see if he was actually dead. Myles, when will you learn?" He tsked, then continued, "you thought that just because you had a family before, we'd leave you alone?" He asked with his ugly, crooked smile.

"Myles," I whispered to him, "let's just go. I'm scarred." I said, tightening my grip on the handle of the stroller.

"Ah ah ah, no. We just met Amelia," he said my name and I immediately cringed, which caused him to chuckle. "May I see your babies? Hmm?" The man crept up to my babies. I was so scared of what to do, but I knew I had to get him away from my children.

"Get away!!" I screeched and lunged myself toward him. I ended up pushing on his shoulders, making him stumble back.

"Amelia!" I heard Myles scream and he pulled me back to his side when the man came at me. He was ready to choke me to death.

"You little b-" but before he was able to get to me, obviously Myles was first to get to him and he threw the first punch. With that, they started fighting.


The other guy tried prying them off each other. By now, a crowd has formed around us, my babies screaming at the top of their lungs and me crying trying to tell Myles to stop. He was actually scaring me a little bit. Of course not as much as the men but still. I've never seen him this way and it's scary seeing your loved one so, so...reckless. {a/n: haha get it? bc it's from the last book (; haha okay bye now}

The people around us have called security and they were currently prying them off each other. Both bloody, sweaty, and trying to get their way to each other.

"Myles just remember that he will never allow you to have you and your family live in peace! He will keep coming to you until he kills you himself! So run as far as you want but you'll always get caught!!" Max warned while being pulled away and his partner trying to catch up, him giving us a warning glare.

Myles was dragged back to me and now the sort of quiet twins in the stroller. He looked at me with angry eyes, but once he saw my state I was in, his eyes softened and became sad. He tried reaching out to me, but I backed away, which made him sadder even more.

"Amelia," he whispered with tears forming at my eyes. "Please." He begged.

I shook my head and kept my hands on the stroller handle, tight. "Y-you ha-have a lot o-of e-explaining to d-do." I managed to say in between sobs. He looked at me one last time, trying to find if he still had a chance, but to be honest, unless he tells me what the actual hell just happened, I don't think I will be able to forgive him. Whatever he saw in my eyes, whatever he read, made him look down and nod.

Oh my gosh. Long time no write, am I right? Ahh we're so sorry for not updating our usual day. Like I've said before, Amelia is currently still going through things, and I'm trying to help her through it. Plus we have school coming up, and it's just been a crazy schedule. I've been practicing piano a whole lot lately, getting ready for school. Amelia, like I said, has been going through a lot, and she's been working hard on cheer, and doing a whole lot of other stuff. We're both busy and have a lot on our plates, so we hope you understand. Please don't get mad(:

But anyways, I'm back. I'm still going to see if Amelia can come back soon. But as of now. I think I'll be writing some more of the chapters for a bit until she's back.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And please know that we love every single on of you and I'll see you next chapter☺️


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