Chapter 2: The Goddess of Fortune

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As Adam made his way through the bustling streets of Orario, his mind swirled with possibilities. The city was even more alive than he had imagined—merchants hawking their wares, adventurers gearing up for a day in the Dungeon, and Familia banners flying high above the guild halls. He couldn't shake the feeling of wonder as he passed by the adventurers, each one a hero in their own right, most bearing the crest of their god or goddess on their armor. It was surreal—he was really here.

His immediate goal, however, was to find a Familia. If there was one thing he knew from the stories of Bell Cranel, it was that joining a Familia was the first step toward survival in this world. Without a god or goddess to grant him a Falna—the divine blessing that allowed adventurers to level up—he'd be just a regular guy swinging a sword. And in a place like Orario, that would only get him so far.

"Where do I even start?" Adam muttered, scanning the streets for any sign of help. He knew from the story that the Guild was a good place to begin, but walking in as a complete stranger, with no connections and no experience, felt daunting.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a small, humble-looking chapel nestled between two larger buildings. The stone structure had clearly seen better days, its walls covered in ivy and its windows cracked. A faded banner hung over the entrance, depicting an intricate symbol—a coin encircled by the branches of a tree. He didn't recognize the Familia symbol from the series, but something about the place drew him in.

"Guess it's as good a place to start as any," Adam said, walking toward the chapel.

Pushing the wooden doors open, Adam stepped inside. The interior was simple and dimly lit by a few candles scattered around the room. At the far end, sitting on a bench with her back to him, was a figure in a white robe. She was humming softly, her voice melodic and soothing. Adam approached cautiously, not wanting to startle her.

"Uh... excuse me?" Adam called out.

The figure turned, revealing a young woman with long, flowing silver hair and golden eyes that sparkled like the morning sun. Her beauty was ethereal, otherworldly, and Adam immediately knew—this wasn't an ordinary woman. This was a goddess.

"Hello there," she greeted him with a warm smile, her voice gentle. "What brings you to my humble Familia's temple?"

Adam swallowed, trying to maintain his composure. "I... I'm looking for a Familia to join."

The goddess stood and approached him, her eyes studying him with curiosity. Up close, she seemed even more radiant, her presence almost overwhelming in its warmth. She stopped just a few feet from him, tilting her head slightly.

"You're new to Orario, aren't you?" she asked, her smile never wavering. "I can tell."

Adam nodded. "Yeah, I just got here."

The goddess's smile widened, and she gestured for him to sit on the bench beside her. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tyche, the goddess of fortune. I watch over those who seek luck and opportunity in this world."

Adam's eyes widened. He hadn't heard of a Familia led by Tyche before, but that wasn't too surprising. In a world filled with gods and goddesses, not all of them made it into the spotlight. But a goddess of fortune? That sounded promising.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Tyche," Adam said, feeling slightly awkward. "I'm Adam."

Tyche's eyes sparkled as she sat beside him, her robe flowing like liquid silk. "It's not every day that someone new arrives in Orario. Especially someone without a Familia. You must be quite brave."

Adam scratched the back of his head. "Brave, or just really lucky to find your temple."

Tyche chuckled softly. "Perhaps a little of both. So, Adam, you're looking for a Familia, and I'm in need of more adventurers to carry my banner. You wouldn't be the first adventurer I've blessed, but you would certainly be the most intriguing."

Adam blinked. "Intriguing?"

Tyche's gaze grew more intense, as if she were peering into his very soul. "I sense something different about you. You're not like the others who wander into my temple. Your aura... it doesn't quite belong to this world."

Adam's heart raced. Could she know the truth? That he wasn't from Orario, or even this universe? He opened his mouth to say something, but Tyche gently placed a hand on his shoulder, silencing him.

"Don't worry," she said softly. "Your secret is safe with me."

Adam let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. This goddess... she knew. But instead of pressing further, she simply stood and extended her hand to him.

"So, Adam, would you like to join my Familia? I may not have the fame of the Loki Familia or the power of Freya, but I offer something far more valuable—fortune. With my blessing, you will always have luck on your side. And in a place like Orario, that's a gift worth having."

Adam stared at her outstretched hand, the weight of the decision sinking in. He knew the stories—how adventurers grew stronger under their gods and goddesses, how they formed bonds as strong as family. And here was a chance to be a part of that, to start his journey in Orario with a goddess who had already seen through him.

Without hesitation, he took her hand.

"I'd be honored to join your Familia, Lady Tyche."

Tyche smiled, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Wonderful! Now, let's make it official."

With a wave of her hand, Tyche summoned a small dagger, its blade glowing with divine light. She gestured for Adam to remove his armor, and though he felt a bit nervous, he complied, pulling off his tunic and exposing his back.

The goddess placed the tip of the dagger against his skin, and Adam braced himself for the ritual. He felt a warm sensation spreading through him as Tyche inscribed her divine blessing onto his back. It didn't hurt—instead, it felt like energy surging into his body, filling him with newfound strength and power.

When she finished, Tyche stepped back, admiring her work. "It's done. You are now a member of Tyche Familia, Adam."

Adam stood, feeling different—stronger, more attuned to the world around him. He could sense the faint hum of magic in the air, the whisper of fate guiding him. He had the Falna now. He was truly an adventurer.

"Thank you," Adam said, bowing slightly. "I won't let you down."

Tyche smiled warmly. "I know you won't. But for now, rest. Tomorrow, your journey begins, and the Dungeon awaits."

As Adam left the temple, his heart was pounding with excitement and anticipation. He had done it—he was in Orario, in a Familia, and ready to take on the challenges of the Dungeon. His adventure had only just begun, and with Tyche's blessing, luck would always be on his side.

Chapter 3: The First Descent

To be continued...

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