The Drowned Bell

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Jason had always been fascinated by urban legends, especially the one about the old church bell submerged in the lake near his town. The story went that the bell used to ring on its own, even after the church had been flooded decades ago. Some claimed that anyone who heard it ring would never be seen again.

Late one night, Jason and his friend Ben decided to test the legend. Armed with flashlights, they hiked through the woods to the lake's edge. The moon was full, casting an eerie glow on the water.

"We'll wait here," Jason said, sitting down on a rock. They stared at the still, black surface of the lake, the only sound the wind rustling through the trees.

Hours passed, and nothing happened. Ben laughed, clearly relieved. "Told you it was just a story."

But just as they were packing up to leave, a low, resonant sound echoed across the water. A deep, metallic clang-the unmistakable toll of a bell.

Jason and Ben froze, their eyes locked on the center of the lake, where ripples began to form. Slowly, something started rising from the water-a dark, shadowy shape, dripping and covered in thick, algae-covered chains. The bell rang again, louder this time, and the air around them grew cold.

"We need to go," Ben whispered, backing away, but Jason couldn't move. His eyes were fixed on the shape coming closer, revealing what looked like a rotting figure, its face obscured by a mass of seaweed and decay.

Suddenly, Jason's phone buzzed. It was a text from Ben.

Jason's blood ran cold as he glanced to his side.

Ben was standing right next to him.

"I'm at the car. Where are you?"

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