The Chat

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Kellan wasn’t usually up this late, but after a night of mindless scrolling, he decided to message someone he hadn’t spoken to in a while—Thalia. They used to be close, but ever since she left for a different city, they hadn’t kept in touch. Feeling nostalgic, he opened his messaging app and saw her name at the top.

He typed out a simple message.

Kellan: Hey, Thalia! Long time no talk. You up?

To his surprise, she replied almost instantly.

Thalia: Hey! Wow, crazy timing. Been thinking about you.

Kellan smiled. Maybe reconnecting wouldn’t be so hard.

Kellan: Yeah? What’s been going on with you?

There was a slight pause before the next message.

Thalia: Not much. Been feeling a little off lately, honestly. You know that weird feeling you get sometimes?

This wasn’t how he remembered her—Thalia had always been full of energy and life. Something about her response seemed... off.

Kellan: Sorry to hear that. You okay?

Thalia: Yeah. I just... I need a favor. Can you help me with something?

Kellan’s brow furrowed. He hadn’t spoken to her in ages, but something about the way she asked pulled him in.

Kellan: Sure, what do you need?

Thalia: Can you go check my parents' place? I’ve had this bad feeling lately... I just need to know everything’s okay there.

Kellan paused. Thalia’s parents lived just a few streets over. He remembered the house well. But why couldn’t she check it herself? Something about the request felt off.

Kellan: It’s late, Thalia. Why don’t you just call them?

Thalia: Please, Kellan. Just check for me. I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important.

Against his better judgment, Kellan found himself grabbing his jacket. It was irrational, but something in her tone—something that felt desperate—pushed him to go. The streets were quiet as he approached the old house. Everything seemed normal from the outside. The porch light was off, and the windows were dark.

He texted her.

Kellan: I’m here. Looks fine from outside.

Her response came quickly.

Thalia: Go inside. The key’s under the third flower pot. Same place as always.

Kellan felt a prickle of unease. Breaking into someone’s house at midnight didn’t sit right with him, but he trusted Thalia. He found the key, unlocked the door, and stepped into the familiar darkness.

The air inside was stale, and his phone's flashlight barely cut through the heavy shadows. Everything seemed untouched—the furniture was as he remembered, though covered in a fine layer of dust.

He started moving through the house, checking room by room. Just as he was about to leave, his phone buzzed.

Thalia: Did you check my room?

Kellan hesitated. He hadn’t gone upstairs yet.

Kellan: No, why?

Thalia: Please. Just go to my room. There’s something I need you to see.

His pulse quickened as he made his way upstairs. Thalia's bedroom door was slightly ajar, the same way it had been the last time he visited years ago. He pushed it open and shined his light inside.

Everything was coated in dust, like no one had lived there for a long time. Her bed was made, but the air felt thick, oppressive. That’s when he noticed something odd—a photo on her dresser. It was a picture of the two of them, smiling, taken years ago. But the glass was cracked, and behind the frame was something even stranger: a newspaper clipping with Thalia’s name on it.

An obituary.

Kellan’s breath caught in his throat. It couldn’t be real. He hadn’t heard anything about her passing. His phone buzzed again, and he glanced down at the screen, his heart racing.

Thalia: Now do you see?

His fingers shook as he typed.

Kellan: Thalia, what’s going on?

There was a long pause. Then another message appeared.

Thalia: I never left that house, Kellan. I’m still here. With them.

Kellan’s blood ran cold as he glanced back at the cracked photo. His flashlight flickered, casting eerie shadows around the room. Suddenly, a faint creaking sound echoed from the hallway.

He spun around, aiming the light toward the door. The hallway was empty, but the air felt different—charged with something malevolent.

Then another message appeared on his phone.

Thalia: They know you’re here now, too.

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