Chapter 6

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I was staring at the little glowing ball in my hands and it felt like a dream. However, a small part of me told myself it was the start of a nightmare. I couldn't deny it anymore, magic was real and I had it. My stomach churned at the thought. My whole life my parents kept it from me, leading me to believe that magic wasn't real. It was all a lie and I finally understood the phrase: ignorance is bliss. If my parents really did go to school here, why didn't they ever say anything? Why did they raise Jamie and me without it?

Nile's voice pulled me from falling down the rabbit hole of questions. "How does it feel?"

"Warm," my voice came out softer than intended. Even I could hear the wonder and amazement in my tone. "like a little heartbeat."

"Interesting." The sudden new voice made me jump, the small ball of energy disappearing as I looked toward the newcomer.

I felt my stomach drop when I saw who it was.

"Coach Florian," Nile's voice was surprisingly cheery. "perfect timing! Annabelle and I just made a breakthrough."

Was he... happy... to see that man? That didn't make sense.

"So I saw," Florian's eyes never left me, like a hunter watching its prey. "but your little training session will have to be cut short today. Your mom wants to talk with you and Annabelle here has had a big day."

I could practically feel the condescension from across the gym. He was, quite literally, looking down his nose at me.


"What was that, Miss Jones?" He raised an eyebrow.

Shit. I said that out loud.

"Nothing," I plaster on a polite smile though my jaw ached from clenching my teeth. "I could use a break anyway."

Nile touched my arm, pulling my attention back to him. "Do you know how to get to your dorm from here?"

"That's the only thing I know for certain how to do."

Florian walks over to us, eyes still locked on me, as Nile promises to see me at dinner. I barely heard what he said, too focused on getting away from the walking fire hazard as quickly as possible.

With a small wave, I try to walk out of there as calmly as possible. I did not want to give Florian the satisfaction of seeing me rattled. I didn't want him to think he had any effect on me. It would give him too much power and he seemed power hungry enough. I could feel his eyes following me like his gaze alone also possessed the heat of a flame that burned into my skin as I walked away.

When I opened the doors I could feel the chill start to set into the air. It was that time of year between summer and fall when it was only warm during the day, but the cooler temperature was much preferred over the heat of Florian's gaze on my back. Once I heard the doors latch behind me I all but ran away from the gym wanting to just lock myself in my dorm until dinner. Just as I turn the corner I collide into something hard and warm. I would have fallen if not for the hands immediately reaching out to steady me.

"Whoa, what's the rush?"

I let out a breath of relief as I looked up at Thomas, a small notch of concern had formed between his brows and his steady grip grounding me.

"Annabelle?" He questioned, making me realize I hadn't answered him.

"I-" I slow my breathing, taking deep breaths of the cool air mixed with his scent. Part of me wants to tell him everything, about Florian and how he freaks me out, about how overwhelming everything is. I barely know this guy but something about him makes me want to go against my better judgment and trust him. "I just wanted to get to my dorm before it gets too much colder."

The look in his eye told me that he didn't quite believe me, but he didn't question me further. His hands rubbed up and down my arms, trying to rub away the goosebumps I didn't realize had covered my exposed skin. "You should have brought a jacket,"

"I was really tired this morning so I didn't think about it."

"Well come on," he moves to my side, keeping a hand on my arms to guide me forward. "let's get you to your dorm before you freeze."

I couldn't help the small scoff at his words, finally getting my feet moving. "I don't think it's quite that cold just yet."

He drops his hands and the reaction is almost immediate as my skin is covered with goosebumps again and a small shiver runs down my spine.

I heard him hum quietly in amusement before I felt the weight of his jacket around my shoulders. "If you keep this up, I won't have any jackets left."

I could hear the teasing in his voice, causing me to roll my eyes despite the small smile that formed on my lips. "Now you're just being dramatic."

"Maybe," he shrugs with a smile of his own. "but it got you to smile, didn't it?"

I felt my cheeks warm slightly and I quickly turned my head, letting my hair hide the pink hue that was certainly forming on my face. My cheeks were pink from the cold. Yeah, the cold, and not because I'm blushing. Don't be ridiculous.

"So how did training go?" He asks, thankfully changing the subject.

"I made a ball," I answer. "so I'd say it was a semi-productive evening."

"He had you start with channeling? How new to all of this are you?"

As new as a newborn baby, I thought to myself. "Brand new,"

My answer appeared to surprise him, at least a little bit. I could see his eyes widen ever so slightly before his face relaxed back again.

"So I take it you don't know your talent yet." He phrased it like a statement but it came out more like a question. However, it didn't feel like he was prying which I appreciated.

"I don't know anything yet."

He chuckled again, softer this time, more genuine. It was a nice sound, though I didn't get to enjoy it long before we stumbled across one of the saddest things I've had the displeasure of seeing. Lying next to a moss-covered statue up the path was a small animal. It looked like some kind of bird but it was too far away to know for sure what kind it was.

Thomas noticed where my attention had shifted and followed my gaze to the poor creature. I quickened my pace until I was close enough to see it properly. I was right it was a bird, an owl to be specific. Its body was completely stiff, its eyes were stuck open wide showing off their golden hue, while a soft breeze flowed through its soft-looking feathers.

"What happened to it?" I question as I kneel next to the poor owl.

"That's Asaka," Thomas says, crouching down next to me. "she's been flying around these grounds for years. My best guess is that age finally got to her."

Asaka... She was a beautiful owl and the name felt right for her. For some reason, I felt a sadness tugging at my heart as I looked into those wide yellow eyes. It felt wrong to just leave her lying here; she deserved more respect than that. I reached out and a sudden surge went through me as I touched her soft feathers. It was almost like a static shock but it originated from somewhere deep inside me instead.

I pulled my hand back, surprised by the sensation, but my attention was drawn away from myself as a soft cooing sound floated through the air. My eyes snapped back to the dead owl, but instead of seeing its body lying on the sidewalk with wide dead eyes staring at the sky, I was met with the sight of those same golden eyes staring at me with interest. The owl sat there, head tilted in interest, cooing at me again.

"What-" I looked from Asaka to my hand and back again. Did owls play dead? Was it just stunned by something?

"Annabelle," Thomas's voice was filled with awe. "I think we just figured out what your talent is."

Asaka shook out her feathers before flying up to a nearby branch, watching us from her perch.

"Talent?" This was all so weird. What was going on?

"Annabelle, I think you're a necromancer."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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