Complaining about something i should be happy about (help)

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I'm on a camping trip with my class rn. I should be happy, but I didn't want to come and all I've wanted to do since I got here was go home.
To make matters worse, the food here sucks so badly. I'm so picky and I would rather starve than eat smth I don't like bc I will literally throw it up. Don't make fun of me in the comments, my friends do that enough.
The food here is all ass. Straight ass. Last time something tasted good was maybe the bread from the hotdog I ate at lunch yesterday. I couldn't eat the meat part, so I was stuck picking at the bread.
Diner wasn't too bad. It was pasta. Everyone said it was good but I'm used to homemade pasta, sauce, etc.. bc my family is Italian. I ate it so fast though, because at least it was edible. Sadly, they didn't give a lot of pasta, a small spoonful at most. Since I don't like covering my pasta in sauce, this meant all I had was a few bites. Good enough though. I am lucky I was able to eat it at all.

Sadly, today has sucked. We had French toast in the morning, which I just found out is supposed to be a sweet breakfast? It wasn't too bad, too sweet for me but once again, i was hungry and as long as i can keep it down, im good.
I guess I thought my luck was changing, because i only had one instead of stocking up on food for the rest of the day.
We had Pizza for lunch, which sucks because i fucking hate pizza. I was already shaking and couldn't just sit down to eat nothing, so I got up and grabbed a slice.
First, I struggled to eat it without a fork and knife and second, it was built like a cake.
The cheese. There was so much fucking cheese that it actually looked like a cake. I tried to take it all off and wipe off all the sauce, hoping that maybe the plain bread wouldn't be so bad. But I started to gag after only a few bites. Thankfully, I didn't have enough food in my stomach to throw up.

Anyway, it's been hours since then. We are leaving soon, in around an hour. I can't stand up bc I'm shaking too much, so I'm just on my phone hoping it has enough battery to last until I get home at 9pm. I ran out of gum to swallow after they took us on a walk, so I'm so fucking hungry. I would take a bite of my arm if it didn't hurt so badly.
If anyone has any suggestions on what to eat, please tell me. My friend has already suggested a pencil, but they don't have these here and I left my only one on the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 hours ago ⏰

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