Chapter 20

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I had hardly expected my mum to protect me as part of her plan, although my father is planning something more horrible than I am thinking to do.

*You think so, don't you?* I nodded at my thoughts.

Meanwhile, I was being my therapist, concentrating on my coffee cup. Then I heard a cute noise from behind me.

-Hey you- I smiled at him- where is mum?

I put Seok in my arms and together we looked for our mum. We started in her bedroom, but there wasn't. Then the living. Nothing.

We kept looking for her in our rooms and neither wasn't there. So I thought about where she goes when she is stressed and full of problems.

-Let's go, boy, she should be there

Apart from being her daughter, I am her friend, the only one who is confident about how many secrets she has.

I have known her from twelve years to understand she is just a woman who has the responsibility of taking care of her children and being a good wife.

But she used to dream of becoming a kindergarten teacher. Then my father came and possessed her not to do whatever she wanted. Happy days were fewer between them.

"She was beginning to have no longer the same wish"

I went downstairs to her place. Once we got inside the room, there we found her.

Her right foot was pressing the pedal and her left foot was marking the rhythm. Her hands were moving to the compass of the masterpiece while she kept her eyes closed.

We went close to her as she finished playing the piano. Her arms seemed relaxed and her face expressed serenity and peace.

-Hey- I called her attention, and she stood up

-My boy, come with mummy

He clapped happily while being in our mum's arms

-Do you want to learn?- we both took seat on the bank and started touching the keys of the piano

Seok put her tiny hands above Mum's hands and patted gently as she was touching the keys, making the sound of it an anaesthetic for our ears.


-Is everything ready?

-Yes Sir- answered my bodyguard while both walking to my apartment

I took whisky off my countertop and put it in a glass.

-Do you want some?- I offered him

-No thanks Sir, I am too young

-How old are you?

-twenty-five Sir- *he has the same age*

-My daughter is near that year... if only she could understand

-I guess it's only a matter of time to get her convinced of being on the right side- I nodded

-You are right boy- he smiled- now get away, I need to be alone

He inclined himself and closed the door in front of him.

I took my notebook to check the tracking of her. She had been going to a building for a few months, but apart from that a coffee shop in front of this.

-What is your secret, darling?


-Maybe it's too soon- I denied

-They said at 10 AM

-It has to be the internet connection then- *oh, we hadn't thought that*


I went behind the coffee machine to make myself another latte, and then my sister appeared.

-"Can I do anything for you?"- I asked her

-Yes, you can

She went to the room to appear with a baby in her arms.

-Ooohh little Jun-Ho

-He missed her aunt Seuli- I took him from her arms

-Of course, he prefers being in the cutie arms of her favourite aunt, isn't he? Uh?- I asked him in a tiny and playful voice

He clapped happily *Seok and him would be best friends... our father... I know holy shit*

-SEULIIIII-AAAAAAAHHH- shouted my friend, I went next to him with Jun-Ho

-What happened?

-LOOK!- he showed me the screen of my laptop

My eyes couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it


-What happened!? Kim Iseul

I reacted and I saw the word "accepted" on the screen. I covered my mouth with my free hand and started crying

Ji-Woo took Jun-Ho with her and Hobi hugged me

-My love, congratulations- I hugged him tightly

-I am s-so hap-py

-Then why are you crying?- he cleaned up my tears and looked me in the eye

-My mum will be alone

He put that face on. The worried face that I knew it.

How will I protect them?


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