Chapter 6

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The meeting room was large and exuded elegance, its walls adorned with red metallic paint that shimmered subtly under the soft lighting. Hand-carved designs intricately patterned the walls, each telling stories of legacy and power. The room was undeniably regal, and Alex took it all in with wide-eyed excitement.

The room was filled with notable figures, each distinguished in their regalia. Besides his knight, Theron, the attendees included Elder King Platos the Enlightened; King Ramos; Queen Kiva; Prince Michael; and Princess Ruby. Each of them carried an air of authority that filled the room with a palpable sense of importance.

Arrayed beside Theron were other knights, standing erect and clad in full knight's attire, their expressions stoic as they gazed forward. These men had sworn to protect the royal family with their lives. Among them, Alex noticed that Theron was the shortest—a fact that did not escape Alex's keen observation. He wondered how Theron felt standing among his taller peers, whether he felt out of place or if his resolve made him feel as towering as the rest.

"Thank you for joining us," King Ramos said as he gestured toward a chair. Alex took a seat, sitting upright with a mix of nerves and anticipation. Professor Drake placed a reassuring hand on Alex's shoulder, adding a silent support that was both needed and appreciated in the tense silence that followed.

"I would like to officially welcome Alex Blue to our family," Professor Drake announced, breaking the heavy silence. Alex stood up and bowed respectfully, acknowledging the royal assembly.

"Boy," Elder King Platos interjected, his voice commanding. "Stand up," he demanded. Alex straightened immediately, feeling the weight of every gaze upon him. The elder king then turned to Professor Drake. "Is this the ward you have chosen?" he asked pointedly.

Professor Drake nodded affirmatively without hesitation.

Elder King Platos then stood and approached Alex, examining him closely with a scrutinizing gaze. Alex met his eyes steadily, despite feeling a growing unease. He was acutely aware of the distinguished company around him and the importance of making a positive impression.

"He's got blue hair," the elder king remarked abruptly, a note of surprise in his tone. "His eyes are blue, too." He circled Alex, looking him up and down as if trying to decipher a puzzle.

Alex's frame was slender, a testament to his upbringing in an orphanage where meals were less frequent and less hearty than even those of peasant children with parents. His appearance was meek, yet there was a resilience about him.

"Open your mouth, boy," commanded Elder King Platos. Obediently, Alex did as he was told. The elder king peered inside, noting the state of his dental health. "He has most of his teeth," he observed aloud. Then, looking directly at Alex, he asked, "Do you know who I am, boy?"

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, Alex responded, "You are Elder King Platos the Enlightened, the Wise King. You have ruled Dragkos peacefully alongside the late Queen May." His voice carried a mix of reverence and nervousness.

Elder King Platos's expression softened into one of deep satisfaction. "I approve," he declared with a rare smile, pleasantly surprised by Alex's knowledge and demeanor.

King Platos was a towering figure, with beady green eyes and bronze skin, his long jet-black hair framing a face known across continents. His presence was awe-inspiring; he was the architect of the treaty that integrated the Aki colonies into the Known Nations, effectively creating the last country of the Council of Countries. His efforts had averted a world war, saving millions of lives. Known as one of the wisest rulers the world had ever seen, his legacy was a testament to the enduring influence of Drakos the Powerful.

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