Chapter one

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    Pyrrha examined the room. Most of the people had begun to leave. She looked over to the blond sitting across from her. He was wearing a white sweetheart dress with a periwinkle coloured ribbon around the waist and was leaning back against his chair and had his arms crossed, eyes were fixed on the remaining dancers on the floor. Neptune particularly caught his attention. Jaune chuckled to himself every now and then as he stared on.

    Curious to see what amused him, Pyrrha looked in the same direction. She caught a glimpse of Neptune and his arms slightly bent but reaching upwards, seemingly trying to dance. Beside him was Weiss who shook her head in disappointment and embarrassment. Weiss then took one of Neptune's hands, and put her free hand on his shoulder. Neptune reluctantly put his hand on her waist and so began his lesson on dancing.

    Pyrrha, who was aware of Jaune's feelings for Weiss, looked over at him. A neutral expression was plastered on his face, however she felt that he hid more emotions than he chose to show. Jaune noticed her staring and gave the red-haired warrior a questioning look. It was then that Pyrrha was aware of the worried expression she bore.

    "What is it, Pyrrha?"

    She felt her face become warm. "It's nothing, I was just gauging your expression after seeing Neptune and Weiss dance." Jaune's expression changed to a relaxed smiling one.

    "Don't worry about it, Pyrrha. I'm sure I'll find another girl to cherish and admire," he said as he began to stretch his arms upward.

    She began to feel uncomfortable. It was a challenge to talk to the man she in love with about his love for another person and she became hyper aware of her actions and facial expressions. Perhaps he already knows about her interest in him, especially after she had dropped a huge hint: I guess you're the kind of guy I wish I was here with.

    She returned to the conversation, being careful that her tone gave away nothing. "But you still like her, and from what you told Ren, those feelings you had for her were very strong."

    He finished his stretch and dropped his hands onto the table. He clasped his hands, leaned forward and began to think. "I wouldn't really consider my crush on her to be that intense. I suppose it was all an infatuation," he said with a shrug. "I mean, how often have I spoken to her? She's always cold towards me so keeping a conversation with her isn't easy." Jaune looked over at Pyrrha with a reassuring smile.

    Pyrrha felt a bit relieved, however something was still worrying her. "Regardless, it will be difficult for you to erase any feelings you ever had for her. It's not going to be swift. Will you be okay during that time?"

    He tore his gaze away from Pyrrha and redirected it at Weiss who was still dancing with Neptune. How graceful she danced in contrast to the stiff and awkward man she danced with. He was utterly transfixed on the sight of Weiss dancing so beautifully. "Yeah," he replied distantly. "Don't worry."


    "Nora, can we please go back to our dorm room?" Ren pleaded. He took a seat beside Jaune and was panting heavily.

    "No way! We have to stay until the very end!" Nora exclaimed excitedly. "Come on, get up!" She tugged at Ren's arm, urging him to his feet.

    "Nora," Pyrrha intervened, "I think you should let Ren sit down for a bit. He's not as lively and energetic as you are."

    Nora pouted. "Aww, fine," she said as she took the remaining seat at the table. "So, how has your night been?" she asked cheerfully at Pyrrha and Jaune.

    "It's been eventful," replied Pyrrha as she gave a sideways glance towards Jaune and smiled. Jaune returned her gaze and smiled back. The fact that Jaune came into the dance with a dress for me is something I can hardly fathom, she thought.

Achilles and Joan: Arkos FanficWhere stories live. Discover now