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I'm standing at the door of Joe and Galina's house, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. The weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air, and I'm not sure if it's anticipation or dread that fills me.

I had told Alyona that our annulment wasn't finalized, and now we were supposed to meet up to figure out what comes next. Neutral territory, they said. A safe space. But in my mind, all I can think is how everything has changed.

Joe opens the door with his usual friendly grin, but even that can't shake my nerves. "Hey, Sefa! Come in," he says, gesturing for me to enter. I step over the threshold, my eyes scanning the living room where Alyona and Galina are seated on the couch. I feel like I'm stepping into a scene that's been staged for me—a moment out of time.

Alyona's eyes lock onto mine, and for a second, the rest of the room fades away. She stands up, her face lighting up in a way that pulls at my heartstrings. Then she's rushing toward me, and before I can process what's happening, she's wrapped her arms around my neck.

I instinctively grab her waist, and it feels like we're suspended in this bubble, the world around us melting into nothing. I can't help but chuckle, "Hey, Yona."

The sound of her giggles fills the room, infectious and bright. She seems as surprised by her reaction as I am; we sway together, lost in the moment. I can feel the warmth of her body, the softness of her hair brushing against my cheek, and I wonder if this is how it felt when we first fell in love. The closeness brings back a flood of memories—both sweet and painful.

"Hey, Sefa," she breathes, her hands moving down to my shoulders, tracing the fabric of my shirt as if to ground herself in the moment.

I can't help but smile, my eyes trailing down her body. The dress she's wearing hugs her curves perfectly, and I find myself momentarily lost in how beautiful she looks. "Wow, look at you," I manage to say, the compliment spilling out before I can think twice.

Joe and Galina share a knowing look, a smirk crossing their faces as if they're witnessing something special, something that feels both thrilling and terrifying.

Their amusement pulls me back to reality. I clear my throat, shaking off the overwhelming emotions swirling around. "Okay, let's get down to business," Joe says, clapping his hands to get our attention.

Reluctantly, we let go of each other and took our seats on the couch, the gravity of the situation creeping back in. Joe leans forward, his expression shifting to one of seriousness. "So, what do you both want to do?"

"I'm not sure," I admit, the words coming out heavy. The confusion is a weight I can't shake. I glance at Alyona, searching her face for some sort of guidance, something to latch onto.

Galina clears her throat, the sound cutting through the tension. "Why don't you two spend some time together? They say you never forget your first love. Especially the second time around," she suggests, her voice gentle but firm.

I look at Alyona, and in that moment, I can see a reflection of my uncertainty. Her expression shifts from surprise to contemplation. There's something in her gaze, a flicker of hope mixed with fear, and I know I'm not alone in this.

"The life I'm living is what I always dreamed for us," I say, the words tumbling out before I fully process them.

It's true; in many ways, I've built a life I always wanted, a life I thought we would have shared. But now, with Alyona back in the picture, I feel a shift. The dreams I had seemed less certain, filled with complications and uncharted territory.

"What do you mean?" Alyona asks, her brow furrowing slightly as she leans in, genuinely curious.

I can see the questions swirling in her mind, and it makes me pause. It's hard to explain the life I've created without her, the decisions I've made in her absence, and the emotional toll it's taken.

"I mean, I've built a career, I've got a place. I thought I was moving forward, but seeing you here makes me wonder if I want to keep going without you in my life," I admit, the honesty hanging in the air between us.

Alyona bites her lip, and I can see the emotions playing across her face. "Sefa, I've missed you so much. I didn't realize how much until... well, until just now," she says softly, her voice tinged with vulnerability. The confession pulls at something deep inside me, a longing I didn't know was still there.

"But what do we do with that?" I ask, the question weighted with the reality of our situation.

Galina's eyes dart between us as if she can feel the tension rising again. "You two have to talk. Work it out together. That's the only way to figure out where you stand," she interjects, her tone encouraging yet firm.

Alyona nods slowly, her gaze steady on mine. "I agree. We need to figure out what we want. What we can have," she replies, the sincerity in her words piercing through the uncertainty that's been hanging over us.

I take a deep breath, the gravity of the moment settling in. "Okay," I say finally, a mix of hope and fear surging through me. "Let's figure it out."

We spend the next hour talking—no longer just skimming the surface but diving into the depths of our shared history. We laugh about the good times, and I can see the girl I once knew shining through the woman she's become. There's warmth in our laughter, but there are also moments of silence where the weight of our past settles heavily between us.

As the conversation unfolds, I realize how much I've missed this connection, this understanding that feels almost innate. It's strange how easily we slip back into a rhythm, our conversation flowing as if no time has passed at all. But now and then, I catch her looking at me with those questioning eyes, and I know we both feel the tension of what could be—or what could have been.

At one point, I reach for her hand, feeling the warmth of her skin against mine. "I don't want to hurt you again," I confess, the honesty echoing in the space between us. "But I also don't want to pretend that I don't still care about you."

Alyona squeezes my hand, her expression softening. "I care about you too, Sefa. But we have to be realistic. We need to figure out if we can make this work, or if it's just nostalgia."

"Can we?" I ask, my heart racing. "Can we make it work?"

"I think we owe it to ourselves to find out," she replies, her voice steady.

As we continue to talk, the initial nervousness fades, replaced by a cautious optimism. We discuss our dreams, our regrets, and what the future might hold if we dare to take a step forward together. The more we share, the more I feel that spark igniting between us again, the undeniable chemistry that once pulled us together like gravity.

But as the evening winds down, I know the questions still loom. Can we truly reclaim what we lost? And are we willing to risk our hearts again?

As I look into Alyona's eyes, I see a flicker of something—hope, perhaps. I realize that whatever happens next, we'll figure it out together. Maybe, just maybe, this time we can find a way to make it work.

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