Louis' look for his interview above :)


Louis stood in front of his closet, contemplating what to wear. He tapped his foot in anticipation before checking his clock. 9:07. He had about twenty minutes to get ready before he has to leave for his interview. He sat on the bed, cigarette in hand, and waiting for an omen of sorts to tell him what to wear.

His thoughts were soon interrupted when his blonde roommate walked into Louis' room, setting down a hot cup of tea for him.

"Are you still deciding what to wear?" Niall huffed, ruffling his quiffed hair in the mirror.

Louis pouted his lip and took a long drag of his cigarette. He exhaled with an exaggerated sigh and sets it in the small ash tray by the bed.

"Yes, unlike you Niall, I am not gifted in the fashion department." Louis chuckled sarcastically, standing up once again in front of his closet.

"Louis shut up; you're a model for Christ's sake. You have to have good fashion taste." Niall countered before grabbing an outfit out of the closet nearly knocking Louis out of the way in the process.

"You're a model too, I just got unlucky." Louis grumbled.

Louis' pout soon turns into a satisfied grin once he saw what Niall had picked out for him. He picked a white graphic tee, black skinny jeans, and a black jacket over it. Oh, and of course his favorite black vans to go with it.

"Nialler you've done it once again. What are you wearing for your interview?" He asked with a wide smile. Being interviewed for a job for one of the world's leading fashion designers, with your best friend by your side has its perks.

"This." Niall motioned to his graphic t-shirt and jeans along with his black boots.

Louis nodded in approval and got dressed quickly, styling his hair so it's quiffed up and a little curly at the front. He takes one last look in the mirror and grabs his car keys.

"Niall let's go!" He yelled, checking his watch.

He and Niall are piled into Louis' beat up red mini cooper as they set out for their interview. They chattered while sifting through the minor traffic, listening to the radio as they do. Almost too soon, they parked down the street from the magnificent Opulent Inc.

Louis could feel the butterflies in his stomach. What if he's not skinny enough? He's always been a little self-conscious. What if he totally bombs the interview? He's always been told he's too sassy and should keep his mouth shut.

Why did I pick modeling, again? Louis questioned himself.

"C'mon, we're going to be late." Niall said while checking his watch, his accent thick.

Louis swallows dryly and nods before entering through the sleek glass doors.

To say the lobby looked professional would be an understatement. Everything was black, white, and silver. From the coffee tables to the plush chairs, it was beautiful. Soft piano music wafted from unseen speakers, and modern paintings were hung evenly around the room.

A slim girl, no more than twenty five years old, with long brown hair and grey eyes, greeted them at the front desk. Her nametag read Noelle, and she smiled brightly at them as they approached. She held up a deep blue manicured finger as she finished up her previous phone call.

"How can I help you gentleman?" She asked politely, her French accent strong, while hanging up her phone.

"We are here to be interviewed by someone for modeling." Louis said with a quick smile, motioning to Niall and himself.

"Names please?" She questioned.

"Louis Tomlinson."

"Niall Horan."

Noelle quickly typed at her keyboard for a few moments before turning back to the boys.

"You are all set. Monsieur Styles is expecting you." She nodded before giving them directions to the offices.

Once they reached the top floor and stepped out of the elevator, the pair gave each other puzzling looks. Everyone was in their pajamas or sweatpants, and was running around either yelling profanities in French or throwing papers everywhere.

"I think we may have the wrong floor." Niall whispered in his ear and Louis laughs.

Just as they're about to turn and go harass Noelle for exposing them to a bunch of crazy people, a short, blonde girl in sweatpants and a t-shirt with a messy bun nearly tramples them.

"Wait!" She basically screamed.

Louis and Niall both give her expecting looks as she catches her breath and taps something on her iPad.

"Are you here to be interviewed?" She asked expectantly.

"Yeah, and, excuse me mademoiselle, are we in the right place?" Niall asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes, yes. Now, this way, please." She turned and vanished into the sea of craziness.

The boys soon found themselves in a filled conference room, with about thirty other guys their age, all very good looking as well. Niall went to get them each a cup of coffee as the other applicants left one by one to be interviewed.

Louis was left awkwardly looking at his shoes until he accidentally bumped elbows with someone. As he went to apologize, he was caught up in the most beautiful brown eyes framed in glasses and tousled dark brown hair.

"S-sorry." Louis stuttered.

"It's totally cool, my bad." The guy with the beautiful American accent said.

"What's your name?" Louis asked, trying to seem as attractive as possible.

"Oakley Buchanon, I model for Versace, Calvin Klein, Giorgio Armani, and Polo." He said proudly, with a grin and stuck out his hand.

"Louis Tomlinson, I modeled for Topman and hopefully Opulent if I get the job." Louis blushed at his inexperience.

"Then you must still be awfully young." Oakley smirked, pushing up his glasses.

"I just turned twenty a few weeks ago." Louis blushed again; he thought he must look like a tomato by now.

"Damn Louis you really are young," Oakley laughed lightly, "that's a good thing don't worry." He added with a wink.

Right as Louis was about to say something, the small, sassy secretary called Oakley to be interviewed.

"I guess that's me, but I want to get your number, okay?" Oakley asked, and louis swore he was blushing.

They exchanged numbers quickly and Louis waved as he walked out of the conference room. Niall quickly ran to Louis' side.

"Really. You live her for two months you find a guy to like you, I live here five years and I'm like a disease." Niall shook his head and laughed.

"I can't help that I'm so gorgeous." Louis shrugged and Niall playfully punched his arm.

They talked for a few minutes before the door swung open.

"Louis Tomlinson." The secretary called correctly. Louis liked France because everyone pronounced his name correctly.

"Monsieur Styles is expecting you." She motioned to the long hallway.

Louis sent Niall a quick nod and Niall responded with a thumbs up. He took a deep breath and followed the lazily dressed secretary down the long hallway.

"Here you are. Good luck." She said almost sarcastically with a sly smile. Louis replied with a quiet merci before knocking on the door.

"Come in." A booming voice said.

This is it. This was the moment Louis had been waiting for.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2015 ⏰

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