01: "Forever Trapped"

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"Their love dances beneath the moon, a celestial waltz."

                    Maha Emerald

I Stepped Out Of Aunt Jamila's cozy bookstore, breathing in the crisp evening air. The full moon cast a silvery glow over Ashwood, illuminating the quaint shops and homes. I loved this time of day, when the world slowed down and the stars began to twinkle.

As I locked the door, my mind wandered to the day's events. Another afternoon spent surrounded by dusty tomes and vibrant art supplies. Another evening of lost dreams and half-finished paintings.

My daily routine was comforting, yet suffocating. Wake up, help Aunt Jamila at the bookstore, sneak in some art, and repeat. Ashwood was a beautiful prison, filled with familiar faces and unfulfilled longings.

As I walked, the sound of gravel crunching beneath my feet accompanied my thoughts. What lay beyond Ashwood's borders? Did the world need another artist, another dreams?

As I turned onto Elm street, the old oak tree's branches cracked in the gentle breeze. I smiled, remembering the countless afternoons spent reading beneath it's shade. My favourite books transported me to far-off lands, where heroines braved the unknown and conquered their hearts.

I stopped beside a nearby fence, where a gentle sheep named Luna gazed.

"Hey, Luna. What do you think? Should I chase my dreams or stay in Ashwood?" I asked, scratching her soft wool. Luna bleated softly, as if offering encouragement.

I trudged back to the cozy cottage I shared with Aunt Jamila, exhausted from the day's endeavours. After setting my art supplies and books in their designated spots. I slipped into a comfortable dress and collapsed onto my bed. The large window beside me framed the full moon, it's silvery light spilling in and dancing across my skin. I revealed in the gentle glow, fearing my worries dissipate. Even the scars on my skin seemed to fade under the moon's tender touch.

Aunty Jamila's words echoed in my mind "You're beautiful, Maha." But I wondered, was I truly? The moon's beauty is undeniable, yet my own remained uncertain.

As I lost myself in thought, the soft Moonlight lulled me into a peaceful slumber.

I'm standing on the same deserted road again, the same one where....where it happened. The sound of screeching tires and shattering glass fills my ears, and i feel my stomach drop.

Mom's voice, dad's voice, they're calling out to me, pleading for help. But their words are distorted, twisted into grotesque whispers that send shivers down my spine.

"Mahaaa...help us... pleasee.."

I try to run, but my legs are rooted to the spot. My arms feel like lead, unable to move. The car crash unfolds before me, flames engulfing the wreckage. Their voice grow fainter, disappearing into darkness.

But then, I see them. Mom and dad, their faces twisted in agony, their eyes black as coal.

"Mahaaa....why didn't you save us?"

I jolt awake, gasping for air, my heart racing. Sweat soaks my sheet, and my legs are tangled in the mess.

The full moon still shines outside, casting an ominous glow. I sit up, hugging my knees, trying to shake off the lingering fear. But it clings to me like shroud.

I glance at my clock—3 AM. The longest hours of the night still ahead.

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