02: "Maha's Match"

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                  Maha Emerald

     I CAREFULLY BALANCED the freshly baked lemon lavender cake, wrapped in a quaint floral towel, as I walked towards Aunt Jamila's bookstore. The sweet aroma wafted through the crisp Ashwood air, enticing passersby.

Suddenly a sleek black motorcycle roared into the square, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere. Ryker blackwood, Ashwood's notorious prankster, his rugged charm was undeniable. His sharp jawline, chiseled from years of defiance, framed a smile that could disarm even the toughest critics. Piercing blue eyes, like a stormy night sky, sparkled with mischief, as if daring the world to challenge him. His dark hair, always perfectly messy, fell across his forehead in a way that made me want to reach out and brush it back.

When he wore his biker gear, the rugged, raw energy emanating from him was intoxicating. The way his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, the fluid motion of his muscles as he moved, it all combined to make my heart skip a beat.

He straddled the bike, His eyes locked onto mine. A mischievous grin spread across his face.

His gaze made me feel like an insect under microscope. I quickened my pace, eager to escape his attention. Just as I turned onto Oak Street, Ryker revved his engine and veered onto the sidewalk, blocking my path. The cake wobbled in my hands, and i struggled to maintain balance.

"Watch where you're going, maha!" Ryker teased, his voice low and husky. Irritation flared within me, mixed with a dash of fear. Ryker's reckless behaviour was legendary, and i didn't want to become his next target.

I rolled my eyes, "Move, Ryker. I'm in a hurry." I tried to step around him, but he adjusted his position, blocking my path again.

"Aw, come on, Maha. Don't be like that. I just wanted to say hi." Ryker eyes sparkled with mischief, his smile hinting at the countless times he'd roasted me.

"Save it, Ryker. I'm not buying your charm today." I shot him a stern look, trying to conceal the flutter in my chest. Why did he always have this effect on me?

"Charm? Who needs charm when I've got wit and good looks?" Ryker chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Besides I've got a new nickname for you: 'Ice Queen'."

"Keep trying, Ryker. Maybe one day you'll come up with something original." I raised an eyebrow, feigning boredom.

"Oh, i love a challenge! You're so easy to rile up, Maha" Ryker leaned in, his voice low and teasing. "I'll keep trying until you crack that icy exterior."

I stiffened, determined not to let him get under my skin. "I'm not playing this game, Ryker. Move. Now." I emphasized each word, my patience wearing thin.

Ryker shrugged, backing away with a mock-salute. "Fine, Ice Queen. But this isn't over." He turned and straddled his bike once more, starting the engine with a roar. As he sped off, I let out a relieved breath. Another encounter survived.

I pushed open the door to "pages & co.", the bell above it ringing out. Aunt Jamila looked up from behind the counter, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"Maha, dear! I see you had a mishap with the cake."

I chuckled, feeling a flush rise in my cheeks. "Ryker blackwood happened."

Her expression turned sympathetic. "Don't worry about him, dear. He's... Complicated." I nodded, knowing better than to dwell on Ryker.

Together, we worked on rearranging the shelves and restocking the books. The familiar scent of paper and ink enveloped me, calming my nerves. As we worked, Aunt Jamila chatted about the latest releases and customer requests. I listened intently, happy to be surrounded by stories and words.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09 ⏰

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