Fears of moving on

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Every day that passes, it feels like our connection is slowly fading, and I'm the only one keeping it alive. I find myself hoping you think of me as often as I think of you. They say you don't realize what you have until it's gone, and I can relate to that more than I ever thought possible.

When you left, it felt as if my soul was ripped from my chest, plunging me into darkness. It's like you drained all the blood from my veins and sucked the oxygen from my lungs. I feel a pang of jealousy for whoever gets to love you next, even though I know I have no right to feel that way. I keep asking myself the same questions: Do you feel the same?

I know it might seem silly to question your feelings when you may have moved on faster than I have. Perhaps my sensitivity or the depth of my feelings made this harder for me. Maybe I opened my heart a little too quickly, believing we had real potential. Was the problem me? Did I ignore the warning signs, or was I not enough in your eyes? Maybe I didn't love you the way you needed.

I feel I have no right to ask these questions, yet I yearn to know why. Would you ever share the real reason with me? Do you think I deserve to know? I apologize for letting my insecurities cloud my communication. I hope these words reach you and convey how deeply I feel.

So many "maybes" weigh on my heart, and I pray you can provide some answers. I don't want to move on or start over; I don't even want anyone else to touch me the way you did. Just when I muster the courage to let go, fear washes over me. It's as if my soul clings to you while my mind reminds me that you are gone, and we are merely chasing empty dreams.

Sometimes, I question my sanity—was our connection something profound? Perhaps it's time to release you so you can find true happiness, to let someone in who can love me as I deserve. Instead of holding myself back and trying to rebuild what once was, I remain hopeful that we were meant to be. I've never felt this way for anyone else, and I can't shake the worry that you might have moved on.

These thoughts may be selfish, but you made me feel safe and cherished, and I fell hard. I pray for your return so we can work things out. The questions linger, and deep down, I don't want to give up on you, even if our only meetings are in dreams. The silence is deafening, and there seems to be no way to escape it.

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