Chapter 6

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The next morning we woke up and we were both facing each other. "Good morning my lady." Xavier said with a sleepy voice. "Good morning Xavier, you ready for the day?" I ask "Let's get up and get ready!" I rush to the dresser and grab my clothes and head to the bathroom to shower "I'll be quick and then you can jump in." I finish my shower and change into my outfit and walk out to let Xavier use the bathroom.

" I finish my shower and change into my outfit and walk out to let Xavier use the bathroom

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"Your turn!" I shout. "We can stop at the store and grab some quick breakfast." I said. "Well don't you look nice today." He said as he got out of bed and walked towards the bathroom. He stops in from of me and looks down at me and just stares with a smile and making me blush. "Give me a few minutes and we can head out." Xavier shuts the door to the shower and I walk to the living room to put my shoes on and wait on the couch. "I'm ready" A voice says from behind. "Oh you're so quiet! I never hear you half the time!" I shout. I get up and we start leaving the building. Xavier looks really cute today in purple plaid plants and a nude school sweater. He's holding his sword on his back and it has a charm hanging a charm off of it. "Cute, you'll have to find me a charm for my gun." I giggle as I poke the little start charm. "I'll find one." As he said that he got a call on his phone. "I, uh got to take this one second." He said as he walked past the entrance of the store. I walked in the store to grab us some muffins and head back out. "Here I got us some-"As soon as I look up Xavier wasn't there anymore and I get a ding on my phone.

{I'm so sorry but there was an emergency.. I'll make it up to you.. Not sure when I'll be back}.

(He just left me..) I thought to me self. Felling a small pain in my chest, I bite the sting and start to walk to the No Hunt Zone alone. Looking around in the woods I look up in the trees and I see a black bird just perched on the branch. "Why hello birdy aren't you kinda creepy" I said as I wave up to the bird. I continue my walk to the well and the bird continued to follow me from above. "Caw Caw!" "Shh.. Shoo.." I wail my arms in the air at the bird. "Stupid bird.." I mumble under my breath. The ground starts to rumble and a large Wonderer emerges from the ground. "What is that?!" This giant rock like creature towers over me and I draw my gun and get ready "Caw Caw!" "Remind me to find you and kill you later bird.." Just as I said that the Wanderer smashes a boulder fist down where I was standing and I roll out of the way and shoot a few rounds off. After a while I started to get too exhausted and this Wanderer wasn't going down. I felt that same pain in my chest from before and I collapse to the ground and grasp my chest. The Wanderer comes up to me and winds up its arm to smash down on my body. I look up slowly and lift my hand up, as the Wanderer's swing collides with my hand a bright light flashes and I close my eyes for a moment. Everything falls silent and I open my eyes. "Xavier?" I look around to see no one around. "Was that me? No way." I look at my trembling hands and then I see the glowing red Protocore on the ground. I pick it up and look at it and inspect it. "This is the first time I ever saw one close up, It's so pretty." I hold it up to the light. "I'll show Xavier once I see him again, he'll be proud that I did this alone!" I pocket the Protocore and hurry to go home and gather my clothes. I get to the well and immediately hop in.

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