25| Betrayal And Bloodshed

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The air crackled with tension as Viole and his companions prepared for battle against the looming Shadowfang. The creature loomed in the dim light, its eyes locked onto them with a predatory gaze. Viole raised his sword, the blade glinting ominously in the flickering torchlight.

"Remember, we have to work together!" he shouted, glancing at each of his friends. Rose nodded, gripping her dagger tightly, while Violet took a deep breath, her knuckles white on her weapon.

"Let's end this!" Joran bellowed, charging forward with a battle cry, his sword swinging with practiced precision. The Shadowfang snarled, its muscles rippling as it lunged at Joran. He rolled to the side just in time, narrowly avoiding the creature's snapping jaws.

The king watched from the door, a twisted smile on his lips. "Let's see how long you last," he taunted. "You're all fools to think you can defeat the Shadowfang."

As the creature turned its attention to Rose, Viole stepped in front of her, deflecting its vicious bite with a swift upward stroke of his sword. "Stay close!" he urged, and they began to work in tandem, striking and dodging with the rhythm of a well-rehearsed dance.

Keiran joined the fray, aiming a swift kick at the creature's flank, followed by a powerful swing of his sword. "We can do this!" he shouted, adrenaline coursing through his veins.

Viole could feel his heart pounding, the weight of the fight pressing down on them. "Keep it distracted! I'm going for its legs!" He rushed forward, aiming for the beast's hindquarters. As he slashed at its powerful legs, the creature howled in pain, stumbling slightly.

"Look out!" Violet cried, as the Shadowfang recovered quickly, its massive paw swiping toward her. She ducked just in time, feeling the rush of air as the claw narrowly missed her.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the chaos. "What if they win?" The king's son stepped forward, watching the battle unfold with a smirk.

"They won't win," the king replied coolly, his confidence unwavering. "Even if they do, I've gathered all my fighters here. They will die here, and I will never let them escape."

As the fight raged on, Viole's determination burned brighter. They were exhausting themselves, but the Shadowfang was weakening. Joran landed a deep cut on the creature's side, and it let out a feral roar, staggering back.

"We've got it!" Keiran yelled, his spirits lifted. "We're actually going to do this!"

But just as hope surged in their hearts, the Shadowfang launched one last desperate attack. It lunged at Viole, but he ducked and rolled, coming up behind it. "Now! Together!" he shouted, and they all charged, launching a final assault on the beast.

With one last collective effort, they struck, the Shadowfang collapsing to the ground, defeated. Breathing heavily, they exchanged relieved glances. "We did it!" Keiran exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face.

But the moment of triumph shattered in an instant. "Eh? What?" Keiran gasped, looking down in disbelief as a blade pierced through his chest. Blood seeped from the wound as he fell to the ground, shock etched across his face.

"KEIRAN!" Joran screamed, rushing to his friend's side. The fight around them faded as a cloaked figure stepped out of the shadows, a sinister smile hidden beneath the hood.

"Surprise, outsiders," the figure said with a mocking tone. "You thought this was a trial? You're nothing but pawns in our game."

The king's laughter echoed through the chamber, sending chills down Viole's spine. "You think I would let you succeed? You're all foolish for thinking you could escape the fate I've laid out for you. Keiran will die here, and you will all join him soon enough."

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