Chapter 1: Peter Ver Parker

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" The number you have called is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the tone.


"Hi, Happy! It's, uh. It's Peter. Peter Parker or Spiderman whichever ya know. Um, sorry I called so late—uh, I'm just giving my report of the day? I had stopped a really nice old lady from being mugged and she had bought me some snacks afterwards. Stopped a carjacking here and there- oh and I returned a stray dog to her owner!"

Peter peered at his wrist. His web-shooters to the average person, would just look like simple black bracelets if anyone ever questioned them. The suit Tony had made was a major upgrade from his original design, and he couldn't help but feel safe in it. The systems, features, and Karen was great and all, but sometimes he missed his homemade suit and being everyone's friendly neighborhood spiderman. That was before he had been whisked off to fight with Tony against Captain America and the others. Shaking the racing thoughts out of his head, Peter continued swinging towards his apartment, ready to call it for the night.

Peter landed in his open window with a barely audible thud, and removed his suit and stowed it away. Aunt May was to Peter's knowledge none the wiser of his "extracurricular activities". She still believed he was just participating in an exclusive internship program with the one and only Tony Stark. Peter dressed himself in comfy clothes and sat at his desk to double check his soon due school work. As his gaze crossed his desk, his attention was caught on the small silver sphere that he had had for as long as he can remember. 

Peter had never been told what it was by May, or even Ben before his passing. He had only ever been told that it was left for him after his parent's, Richard and Mary Parker had passed in a plane crash when he was 3. After such he had moved in with his aunt and uncle, and had lived with them since. Until last year, when Ben a decorated police officer was killed in a line of duty shooting, thus leaving May and Peter with only each other. The silver sphere, which he only ever used as a paper weight always intrigued him and always peaked his curiosity. The faint blue lines that crossed along the sphere seemed to pulse as he continued to stare at it. 

Peter picked up the sphere and rolled it around in his hands, pondering on what his life has become. Highschooler, Spiderman, nephew, friend, and possibly Tony Stark's protege -he's still trying to sort that mess out- There's only so much Peter can do without hitting his limit and that limit was close to being met. He was exhausted, stressed, anxious, and always on edge, but gazing at the sphere somehow made it all go away for just that moment. Peter soon slumped over his desk, all thoughts leaving his head as he was lulled into a blissful state of sleep that he ever so needed. The sliver sphere that once rolled around in Peter's hands, landed in his lap where it came to rest. Not long after Peter had fallen asleep, May entered Peter's room to check on her young nephew.

May Parker was a bright and clever young woman, who had dealt with many hardships and struggles throughout her life. She was an expert at concealing her emotions from her teen nephew, who she knew worried about her constantly. She knew all about Peter's spider alter ego, but played along and acted as if she was none the wiser as to not add more stress onto Peter. Yes, she worried and fretted every time she saw news about Spiderman fighting another villain or stopping a bank robbery. But she knew it made Peter happy and filled him with a sense of purpose, just like how being a police officer did for Ben. She knew Peter was capable of taking care of himself, and it also helped that she was in contact with Happy and Tony about Peter's activities. The three of them and Pepper as well having become close after the events of Peter's homecoming. They all cherished the young teen, and decided they'd have to let him know that he was the one in the dark not May sooner rather than later. But that was all for another time, May seeing Peter asleep at his desk, covered him with a blanket and turned off the lights. 

"Love you Pete" she said as she quietly shut the door and continued down the hall to get some sleep herself. Unbeknown to May or the sleeping Peter, the sliver sphere became to pulse a bright and vibrant blue before the light slowly covered Peter in its intoxicating color and faded into his body. Peter blissfully unaware smiled in his sleep feeling warmth he had not remembered or felt for a long time. Deep inside Peter, a long hidden power awaked and stirred ready to cultivated and used.

Hey guys long time no see! Hopefully you all enjoyed this part and continue with it. The timeline might be slightly off, just so I can make the story work. But this is post Homecoming and we'll hopefully go through the events of the other movies but with a twist. Now my question to y'all:

Would you all like to see the avengers make up prior to End game so we get some SpideyFam time with the avengers or would you want it to stay close to cannon. 

Please let me know what y'all think and I'll keep them coming.

P.S no one knows besides Richard and Mary (RIP) that Peter is not Mary's actual son. So we'll have to see how the truth will come out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28 ⏰

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