New Horizons

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"They have no idea we can see them on radar, do they?"

Arleigh asked her sister as she attempted to clean the oil from her blade using a piece of cloth she tore off a humanoid Siren in their battle. Stout was also busy reloading her rifles and cannons at the time.

"Doesn't seem like it."

She pulled back on the bolt of her rifle to make sure her rounds were chambered as she responded.

"Their comms are unencrypted too-I wonder if they're amateurs or just ignorant."

Stout remarked as Arleigh checked on her systems after the battle.

"I personally take pride in their fear, hehe... shall we call them out?"

The older Kansen suggested, earning a nod from her sister as she cleared her throat.

"Ahem, are you lot just gonna keep hidin' behind those rocks or can we talk? Kansen to Kansen..."

Arleigh shouted at the hidden leaders, many of whom were shocked to have been discovered so effortlessly.

Slowly, several of them came out of hiding. Queen Elizabeth was first, followed by Bismarck, Nagato, Veneto and Jean Bart. The rest stayed behind and listened as the leaders approached the two women.

"Are the two of you responsible for all... this?"

The Queen of the Royal Navy inquired as she gestured at the massacre, her voice laced with caution.

The two sisters exchanged gazes, a silent conversation being conducted between them until they broke eye contact with one another.

"Yep, that was us alright!"

This seemed to add to the growing tension between the leaders of Azur Lane and the two Burkes. Arleigh continued, bits of metal and oil still dripping off her sword.

"We slaughtered all those tentacled rats right then and there, though I don't like to brag-gh!"

Stout elbowed her conceited sister in the abdomen, silencing her before speaking up.

"You're the biggest braggart I've ever known."

Stout followed her correction of Arleigh's statement up with the rest of the Kansen, her voice firm and confident.

"Anyway, I'm sure you have had the time to survey the area and I can tell you that we did in fact neutralize this Siren fleet."

Bismarck stepped forward to face them, suspicion and weariness of the two were practically emanating from her.

"There were an awful lot of Siren wreckages back there... to think that two Kansen alone are responsible for it..."

The flagship's accusatory gaze bore down on the two sisters as Jean Bart spoke up.

"It seems impossible for just the two of you to wreck such destruction."

The leader of the Vichya Dominion stated bluntly with her arms crossed, skepticism apparent in her tone.

This statement seemed to anger Arleigh, who flicked the last of the oil off her blade before glaring at Jean.

"You tryna say that we're weak or somethin' Frenchie?"

She dared Jean to step up and challenge her before Stout interjected once more, this time by way of shoving her sister aside.

"For Christ's sake, let me do the talking."

The younger of the two continued the discussion, despite the audible grumbling from Arleigh.

"I assure you that we do not wish to provoke a fight, whoever you are we are not your enemies."

The Reunification of Azur laneWhere stories live. Discover now