chapter 5(unedited)

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Itsuki p.o.v
Lucian padded softly through the building me following close behing my feet ached and were still bleeding not to mention now i was hungry, scared, angry, and trust me that was not a good combination.
Well me and lucian were on a search for food and he was still having his bipolar moments which was annoying me very much. I looked behind me and saw a bloody trail of foot prints i stopped walking and sat on the ground, that was a bad idea cause the pain was finally catching up to me and my adrenaline had long since worn off. I stared at my feet as blood leaked out wincing at the throbbing pain, there was glass in my feet and not those little bits the biggest one was right in the middle of my foot and was bleeding the most i watched the blood poor from the gash and leaned my head back against the wall closibg my eyes and taking deep breaths, i let out a startled yelp as lucian lifted me up from the ground in bridal style and started walking again.
"Lucian put me down please."
I asked him to tired to be rude.
"No" he replied back stubbornly.
"Stubborn elf" i mumbled his footsteps stopped and i feltyself dropping to the ground i quickly put my feet down and landed in a stand feet hitting the ground quickly i instantly collapsed to the ground in pain the glass had gone deeper into my feet i looked up at lucian who was glaring down at me. I glared ta him, blood boiling, and my rage surfacing.
"Did you just call me an elf?" He glared down at me, i nodded my head not able to talk the pain was to intense so i just glared up at him with as much malice as i could muster. He glared harder down at me before smirking as he started walking again.
"W-wait!! Aghhh!! Wait lucian im sorry!!" I shouted out. there was no way in hell that i was letting him leave me here by myself he stopped walking turned around and walked back to me picking me up again i wrapped my as around his neck so if he tries dropping me again he wont be able to hmph take that elf!!
"Im not an elf" i heard him mumble i rolled my eyes, the walk down the long hallway was silent. We finally got to a room and lucian looked around, still holding me he set me on an old medal desk, and looked around as did I. Lucian looked over at me shrugging his shoulders, i wasnt really hungry anymore so i stopped looking, i heard lucian scoff at me i shrugged my shoulders watching as blood dripped in the ground from my feet. I looked back up seeing lucian open something that looked like a cracker i looked in disgust at the pack he just fiund that where ever not to mention it was open yuck, he looked at my expression and laughed.
When lucian finished eating the crackers he came back over to me lifting me from the table i frowned.
"We need to find an infirmary" i mumbled, he nodded his head and carried me down another long hallway and out of the building, looking around it was still light out, iheard slight whimpering like a little child i looked over to my right and saw a little girl crouched down covering her face with her pale hands and crying while chanting something. Lucian kept walking i pat him on the shoulder.
"Lucian there's a little girl" i frowned as he kept his gaze strait ahead walking a frown on his own face.
"Ignore it" he kept walking, but we cant just leave her like this out here by herself i jumped from lucians grip as he let out startled yelp. I ushed over to the little girl. But slowed down as i got closer her whimpering faded into giggles my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
She looked up at me her face was.covered in blood her mouth ripped open with sharp jagged teeth on her eyes the spade card symbol was sewn, her laughter became demonic quickly as she began to stand up on her bloody clothes the spade sighn also was sewn there she tilted her head a cracking sound resoundedas. She walked toward me her spine hung out of her back as her back slumped back a bit. She got on all fours and started crawling towards me at a fast pace.
"Fuck!!! I told you to ignore it!!" Lucian shouted out i turned round quickly as lucian began to pull out his katana, as soon as it looked like it was going to pounce on me, a shot echoed through the alley, i opened my eyes to see the thing laying on the ground twitching with a bullet hole in its head, i quickly turned around and saw the two twins from earlier standing there. Derek had his gun pointed at the thing and dillans was pointed at lucian who angled his word towrds dillan.
" lucian taking our pray and almost getting him killed by a screacher" dereks words were laced with anger as he lowered his arm his intense gaze now on me, i glared at him as he smirked.
"Your pray!! No he is mine only!!" Lucian shouted in anger, my eyebrows furrowed as i frowned still glaring at derek i looked over to lucian as he dillan lowered his gun and lucian lowere his sword.
"I beg to differ" dillan stated glaring at lucian who then scoffed.
"What are you guys talking about" i snapped out akk there gazes shifted to me as i glared at them. They each spared a glance at eachother before looking back to me i tried getting up but fell back down, lucian rushed over to me picking me up again as i wrapped my arms around his neck to help helplift me, i didnt fail to notice the smug look lucian gave the twins as they glared at him, then white caught my eyes looking over lucians shoulder that damn bunny was there just staring i just stared at it blankly.
"Just give him to us!!" Dillan's frustrated yell snapped me out of my daze, i glared at dillan, he looked angry and annoyed as did his brother, lucian pulled me closer. I looked up at him my eye twitching in annoyance, i took a deep breath trying to calm down if only i could walk.
"No" lucians voice was firm and final. I am right now very confused as to what is happening.
"Bad choice kitty cat" derek seathed
Pulling out his gun and pointing it at lucian. Lucian put me down stepping in front of me and pulling out his katana.

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