chapter 2:(unedited)

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Tap tap tap tap tap.
I groaned in annoyance at the stupid tapping noise that went on continuously letting out a frustrated growl i sat up quickly
"Would you quite that tapping nois-" i stopped my self from talking when i looked around and noticed i was in a place far from familiar to me, i was on a bed with splots of what looked like dried up blood the bedpost colored in some areas like rusted meddle. My eyes widened eyebrows furrowing considerably low in confusion lips pursed, i looked around the rest of the room the wallpaper on the wall was slightly peeling off and everything looked as if it was all covered in rusted meddle and old blood there was thing that stood out from everything, a white bunny stuffed animal with red eyes conpletely unstained. It seemed as if it was watching me as if it was alive, i frowned looking away from the bunny and back down at the bed to study the bed stains, that was when i noticed the ribbon that was tied around my wrist, im assuming very tightly due to the pain im.getting from it i pulled at the ribbon only to let go quickly screeching in pain, i looked down at my wrist and saw that it was dripping rep soaking the ribbon in completely red all around, my eyes widened even more if possible as i clenched my bloody fist, bringing my other hand up i slightly lifted the tip of the ribbon. Strings were pulling from my wrist as if the ribbon had been stitched onto my wrist thats whaen i noticed that it indeed has been stitched onto my wrist, my eyebrows shot up as i looked around in a silent fit of hysteria i looked to where the bunny stuffed animal had first lay, but it wasnt there.
I looked around the room and the bunny was no where to be seen, that was when i felt someone wrap there arms around my neck, my breath caught in my throat as i heard a husky voice whisper into my ear.
"Found you."

Itsuki's dad p.o.v
I yawned getting up running a hand through my hair. I was excited for today, she was coming back my beloved is coming back after two years, i smiled happily looking at the picture that lay on my bedside table i got up and walked downstairs it had stopped raining allowing the sun to shine bright through the windows i saw other students walking to school conversing amongst themselves, it made me think of itsuki, i gave a sad smile sighing, if only he would let us reach out to him. I walked to the front door checking to see if itsuki locked it bfore leaving, as i was getting closer to the door i tripped over a shoe, it was Itsuki's shoes. My eyebrows furrowed as i looked back up the stairs i decided to go check on him maybe to see if he was alright i made my way upstairs and into Itsuki's room.
"Itsuki?" I called shaking him gently he didnt move his breathing was somewhat steady. I shook him again a little harder this time, but he still wouldnt wake up. Eyes widening i pushed the covers off of him and shook him not so gently tapping his arm he didnt even stir. Itsuki is a light sleeper its not like him to not wake up like this, looking closer i saw that itsuki looked frighteningly paler than usual and was sweating. Eyes widening i shook itsuki a little harder feeling his head he was very cold. I stood up and quickly ran to the phone calling an ambulance.
They quickly arrived and carried him out on the stretcher and allowed me to ride with them in the ambulance i watched as they cheched his pulse and stuck many things on him. Grabbing his hand in my own i gave it a slight squeeze, thats when i noticed markings in his wrist, it looked like stitches, but there was no string my eyebrows furrowed as i stared at the red markings before looking back at the paramedics who were checking on him every now and then as we drove to the hospital.

Itsuki p.o.v
"Found you" whispered a husky voice into my ears i shivered eyes widening as i felt his arms retract from around my neck and wrap around my waist i quickly scurried out of his group to see the man who dressed in all white. He sat there pouting slightly looking at me with his red eyes before grinning.
"Where am i?" I demanded to the strange man. He only grinned wider eyes slightly glistening i looked him over now that we were closer his jawline was strong and his hair was fluffy and white his lips were slightly a pale red and his teeth were perfect and white. Something caughty eyes though. His chest shone slightly and a clock stood proud apon the middle it looked molded into his chest, i looked back. Up at him our eyes locking with each others he looked me over as well he fround when he looked down at my wrist.
"Ah! Youve soiled your pretty ribbon i thought you were smarter than that" he tsked out at me.
I glared .
"Tch, who are you and where am i!!?" I shouted out at him, i was far beyond angry now. His grinned faltered befor turning into a malicious grin of evil his eyes seemed to bore wholes in my own. I frowned at him.
"My dear friend" he called to me a mischievous tone.
"I am your friend itsuki, my name is rabbit white but you may call me eiji, its nice to finally meet you" he smiled showing off his pearly whites. I did not fail to notice that his bottom teeth were all strait and sharp and his canines were even sharper. I glared at him.
"How do you know my name!? And where am i?!" He just stared at me with the samw shit eating grin as before.
He felt around at the clock on his chest closing his eyes.
"Shhhh we dont need them finding us now do we?" He said calmly. I raised an eyebrow mouth slightly open in shock.
"Who are you talking about!" I shouted. We were both silent but i froze as i heard a slivht crackling noise what seemed like behind me. He crawled towards me silently on all fours and wrapped his arms around me still as silent as ever his clocked seemed to click loudly in the silence of the room the crackling continued it sounded as if bones were breaking and everynow and then there was a louder one i was starting to breath a little louder hyperventilating he placed a hand on the small of my back pulling me up towards him.
"Shhhh listen to my clock and ignore everything else" he told me quietly if he wasnt right next to my ear i probably wouldnt have heard him. The crackling seemed to stope for a second but then silent whisperong was heard and an ocasional groan but the voice sounded inhuman and frightening and the cracking started back up seeming to move faster than before that is when i heard the sound of crawling towards us and the cracking grew louder i tried focusing on eiji's clock again and slowly the world around me flooded out. I jusmped back to reality when i realised eiji was not holding me anymore and the crackling had stopped i looked around the room and no one or no thing was in the room, with me anymore.

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