Chapter 4

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Spawn makes his way down the hall, the wooden floorboards creaking under his heavy boots. His mind is a whirlwind of thoughts. The confrontation downstairs, the strange sense of familiarity and unease that washed over him as soon as he stepped inside this place-everything about this hotel felt off. Charlie's enthusiasm, Vaggie's distrust, Angel's was all a little too much, too fast.

He turns a corner, his eyes scanning the dimly lit hallway. As he approaches his room, a chill runs down his spine-a sensation that's become all too familiar over the years. Someone's watching him.

Spawn stops, his senses sharp and alert. Slowly, he turns his head, his glowing eyes piercing through the gloom. There, leaning casually against the wall in the shadows, is a figure. A wide, unsettling grin stretches across a face that seems both sinister and amused.

Alastor, the Radio Demon, twirls his cane, his smile growing impossibly wider. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A new guest in our humble abode. And such a unique one at that."

Spawn's eyes narrow. Something about this demon's grin, the way his eyes seem to gleam with an almost predatory delight, stirs a bitter memory. It reminds him too much of Violator in his Clown form-the same twisted sense of humor, the same sadistic gleam.

"I don't have time for this," Spawn growls, his voice low and dangerous. "Move."

Alastor's grin doesn't falter. Instead, he pushes away from the wall, his every movement smooth and calculated. "Oh, but I insist. It's not every day we get someone of your...caliber. I'm simply dying to know more about you." He chuckles, the sound rich and unsettling, echoing faintly through the hallway. "Why, you have quite the aura. So much rage, so much pain. I can almost taste it."

Spawn's fists clench, the chains around his body rattling softly. "You have no idea who you're messing with," he warns, his voice a dangerous rumble.

Alastor's eyes flash, a flicker of something dark and malicious passing through them. "Oh, I think I do. You're something special, aren't you? Neither fully demon nor human, yet not quite something in between. It's fascinating, really." He steps closer, the air around him seeming to pulse with a strange, dark energy. "But tell me, what brings someone like you to a place like this? Looking for redemption, perhaps?"

Spawn's eyes blaze. "I'm not here to chat. Get out of my way."

Alastor's smile doesn't waver, but his voice drops to a chilling, almost dangerous tone. "Or what?"

Before Spawn can respond, there's a sudden flash of light, and Charlie appears between them, her expression a mix of concern and determination. "Okay, that's enough!" she says, holding up her hands to both of them. "Let's not do this."

Alastor's grin returns to its usual, almost playful state, though his eyes remain fixed on Spawn. "Ah, Miss Charlie! Always the peacemaker." He twirls his cane once more with a mock bow. "I was merely having a little chat with our new guest here. No harm done."

"Right," Charlie says, glancing worriedly at Spawn, who is still glaring at Alastor. "Well, maybe you could have that chat another time, Alastor. I think our guest would like some space right now."

Spawn doesn't take his eyes off the Radio Demon, his entire body tense, ready to strike at a moment's notice. "You're not fooling me," he growls. "I've seen your kind before."

Alastor chuckles, the sound dark and menacing. "Oh, I'm sure you have. But rest assured, I'm simply here to welcome you to the hotel. I wouldn't dream of causing any trouble." His grin widens, the false sincerity dripping from his words.

Charlie steps closer to Spawn, gently touching his arm. "Al, please. This place is meant to be safe. You don't have to fight here."

For a long moment, Spawn doesn't move, his gaze locked on Alastor. Finally, with a harsh exhale, he pulls back, stepping away from Charlie and the Radio Demon.

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