There's Game Afoot Part Two

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Hello Whovians! So, due to the fact that I thought my previous chapter (There's Game Afoot) was too short I am making a part two. And here it is....

Despite earlier disorientation, I fell into sharp clarity. The world around me was now focused, like some one had popped on a lens to a camera. None the less, I was still confused.

I stood quickly, backing as far away as possible from my previous sitting spot. As far away from the explosion, or whatever that had been. The log that I had been sitting on was now coated in a deep, yet bright orange. It even had a bit of yellow in it. Splatters continued on the ground around it. Like it had hurtled out of something.

Like it had hurtled out of me. 

I shook my head, as if ridding myself of thoughts of nonsense. "Doctor, what was that?"

He just stared at me, as if seeing me for the first time.

"Doctor, I don't know what's happening." Silence. "Is that all you're going to do?! Sit there and say nothing! Answer me. I-I don't.... I don't know what's going on."

He came closer to me, hesitant. "Oh, I think you do." I stared blankly at him. "I think you know more than you think."


"Don't worry, it's not an accusation. I'm saying your mind is keeping stuff from you. Hence," He pointed at the log. "the state you were in. It's like your own body was fighting you. Something was stopping the words coming out of you mouth... maybe even into your thoughts."

I sat where I was, not caring about the rock under my thigh. "Like a filter." I mumbled so quietly that I was surprised he even heard me.

"Brilliant." He breathed. "Yes, like a filter. A form of a perception filter, I think."

Iali crouched near me. Near me. It was like he didn't want to get too close. There was a good three feet between us. In a caring yet weary voice he said, "Are you alright, Raela?"

I ignored him, hurt panging in my chest. 

It was then that I saw a lump in the midst of the orange-yellowish mess.

I shot up. "My bag!" I ran over to it. The book I found, Melody Malone, was peeking out of the top. I guess it fell out a little when I fell. The whole top rim of it was smeared in the coloring. I tried to wipe it off, but it was already dried on some how.

In my efforts to clean it, the Doctor gently took it out of my hands. 

"Uh, it wasn't even mine! Now look what I've done to it."

The Doctor was flipping through the pages. "Why do you even still have this?" His voice was so broading and distant. He suddenly stopped at the last page. He froze on the spot. "If it's not yours.... then why is your name in it?"

I grabbed the book from him, cursing under my breath. There, literally inscribed into the back cover, was my name. In big, cursive letters it said. And yet, that wasn't even the wierdest part. It was the inscription after it.

Phoenix of Celosia

And there you have it. Penny in the air.... penny drops. Happy reading!

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