Fish Fingers.... and Custard?

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I gasped when I turned a corner and ran smack dab into a man. Being the clumsy person I am, I fell. Making both of us drop whatever we were holding.

"Dammit." I muttered when I opened my eyes to blurriness. 

"Oh- uh... Are you ok?" Said the man. 

As good as I could be. "Yes, do you see my glasses anywhere?" I asked. I was just on my way to Davis UC when this had to happen. I was already late as is....

"Umm..." Then I heard a crunch. I began to blindely feel around, probably looking like an idiot. Before I could search not three feet around me, I heard a whooshing sound. "Ah, here they are." From what I could hear, he was a Brit.

Next thing I knew I could see clearly, as he put them back on my nose. What I saw was a a bowtie... But in the next moment I was shocked that was the first thing I noticed. His green eyes glanced over at me as I blinked dumbly. "Thank you." I said breathlessly. When my brains wiring began to speed up again, I wondered what that cruching noise had been if it wasn't my glasses.

"No problem." He helped me up by the arm. We stand there awkwardly for a moment before he said, "Well, I should be going." 

"Right, of course. Uh...thanks for the help." I respond. He nodded and then strided away.

I fixed my sweater, completely forgeting the bitter cold from being filled with embarassed heat. After I picked up my books  and bag, I saw a Long John Silver's bag left on the floor. Crap, that must have been that mans'.

"Hey, you forgot your...." I said as I turned around. But then I saw him jogging towards a tiny blue box. "Ughhh..." I sighed.

I began to run after him. "Hey! Come back!......Uh.....Excuse me!" But he had already stepped into the box. I sped up and runned in after him. I pushed the door open, I fell for the second time in one day.

"What are you doing?" He exclaimed when he finally noticed me. 

"You, ow...left your food." I said while hoisting myself back up using a nearby rail.  I picked up and peered into the bag. "Your fish fingers and...What is that?.... Custard?"

"Oh, wow thank you." He said hesitantly.  After I handed the bag to him he picked up my books. "What, are you in college?" 

"Umm...uh, yeah. I go to the," I coughed awkwardly. "The UC down a couple streets." Something enterd his eyes for a moment.

"Brilliant, um..." He hesitated, as if at war with himself, before he shrugged. "I'm the Doctor." He said, holding out his hand. 

"Doctor of what?" I asked confused. 

He smiled to himself then, while chuckling. "It's just the Doctor."

"Alright, 'Just The Doctor'. I'm Phoenix." I said while accepting his hand.

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