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Not Proofread

Bailey's POV

             I listen as my alarm goes off not caring that the sound could wake others at this hour. I would do anything for another 10 minutes of sleep. The sound of footsteps drags me from my thoughts and I quickly rush out of bed wincing as I shut my alarm off right as my "dad" walks in, hair bedraggled, pj pants riding low. 

"Barkley if you do not turn off that GOD DAMN ALARM I will beat you until your screams wake the entire neighborhood!" My "dad" glares at me. Even after 16 years he cant remember my name.

"yes sir" i say quietly not wanting anything to happen this morning. I don't think i would have the energy to clean the cuts before school if he decided that i was "being bad". My dad gives me a once over eyes lingering on the fading bruise on my cheekbone. 

"clean that damn bruise up we don't want CPS coming knocking again do you Barkley?"

"no sir" I look down knowing it was me who called CPS that day. My dad does a final once over of my room and walks out. I let out an audible breath as i sit down. The other day i was home later than usual and my dad decided it was an act to be punished for. Because of that i have a fading bruise on my cheekbone as well as cuts and bruises peppering my stomach, chest, and back. I step into my bathroom taking a look at myself.

You look horrible. You should kill yourself, it would make so many peoples' lives easier.

NO NO NO! I block out the words spiraling in my head as i look over my body. I drag my gaze away from the mirror as i get ready for my shower turning the water to cold to hopefully wake me up. 
*Time skip brought my Steve's shield*

I pull on a pair of black baggy jeans and a 90's band tee with a long sleeve black tee underneath to cover my arms. I throw a sweater on overtop just incase as i sit down at my desk. I get to work covering the bruise on my cheek bone and try to make it look like i slept last night. once I'm finally done i make my bed and creep down the stairs to try an avoid my "dad". Last night he was partying and aside from his earlier outburst he should be asleep at the momen-

"BARKLY!" I flinch. oh shit what did i do. I creep slowly into the kitchen where i see the yelling machine. 

"y-yes dad" I ask quietly.

"Why is the kitchen not clean we have guests tonight you selfish brat" My father stomps over grabbing my by the hair as he drags me to the sink. I wince but hide it as i look in the sink noticing the dishes and i mentally scold myself. you should've done those last night fucking idiot.

"I'm sorry dad i'll do them now" I reach into the sink to start the washing process when im yanked away.

"Too late for that now Barkly, now you'll have to apologize a different way" He growls as he slaps me right across the face. I try to be silent as he kicks me in the rigs knocking the wind from my breath. My knees buckle under me as i catch myself on the counter receiving another kick to the gut hearing something snap. "now go to school you worthless piece of shit" I nod quickly exiting the house and rushing to school, not wanting to be late again.

*Time skip brought by Bucky's arm*

I make it to school in time as i quickly take my seat in the back of the class my ribs feel like theyre on fire as i settle into a chair. My first class is English which i hate with a burning passion. The only classes i really like are music and drama. I feel myself get lost in the actions as i play or as i preform. I dont realize im daydreaming until i hear my name get called for attendance.

"Bailey Mathers?" I raise my hand mumbling here. a few people glance my way and it feels like everyones eyes are on my even though its just a few people who didnt know that i had arrived. I feel my palms start to slick as i look around at the people. I quickly look out the window trying to calm my breathing before i overthink myself into another panic attack. I finally calm down by the time the worksheet has been passed out. I look down as the letters start to move making me play wheres waldo for words. No one knows that im dyslexic and i plan to keep it that way. Its a weakness that i dont allow myself to have to deal with. i will always find a solution if i cant read. When im 100% sure no ones looking i quickly take a photo and put it into google translate having it read out the words for me. 

Before i know it lunch rolls around and i quicky make my way to the bathroom needing to check on my bruising and swelling of ribs. Im not sure if it broke this morning but if it didnt the sprint i took to school surely broke it. I gently prod the area and wince at the slightest touch. Fucking idiot if you just did the dishes we wouldnt be in this position now! I feel my breathing increase as different what if scenarios play out in my mind. suddenly someone enters the bathroom and i quickly exit getting snapped out of my thougts. I quickly make my way to drama even though its not for 20 min. As i make my way into the room i see the teacher chatting with another adult so i sit in one of the bean bag chairs waiting.

"-of course ill tell the kids! theyll all be so happy to hear that we can actually do a play and cast people for a real job in a movie!!" the teacher squeals. Wait a REAL MOVIE?!?!?!? OMG i need to get this. You never will just give it up already Bailey, its like what dad says, youll never acomplish anything. I try to block the words out as i walk over to my teacher.

"uh m-ms Hart?" I say quietly not knowing if i was supposed to hear that convorsation.

"Oh Bailey what a surprise! class doesnt start for 20 ish minutes don't you have lunch to eat?" I hold back a grimace at the word lunch, ive had a fucked up relationship with food since i was little since my dad would rarely leave any for me.

"hehe" I fake laugh "yeah well i guess i w-wasnt hungry" I shrug "I overheard what you were talking about and i was wondering if it was seriously going to happen" I ask nervously kinda just spitting the words at Ms Hart.

She chuckles at my tone "oh Bailey dont tell anyone but it is real! theyre casting for a new role in the avengers movies and theyre looking in highschool for a teen girl. matter of fact you sort of look like who theyre looking for." Ms hart stares off into the distance deep in thought.

My eyes are wide at the thought of even trying to preform infront of the avengers. sure theyre not real and its just a bunch of people but theyre still scary. "Ms hart do you know when theyre doing the auditions" i blurt out without thinking.

"should be in here at 2-3 depending on how many kids show up" I nod and thank ms hart before turning to leave "oh and Bailey!" i turn around "yeah?" 

"I think youre going to do awesome" she smiles and gives you one of those warm looks that make you feel save and nurtured without saying anything. I walk out the door staring my walk in the hallway thinking about ms hart and the audition. Do i go? Ms hart said that i could get it! dont get your hopes up someone else is prolly better anyways. we should go just to watch and not preform. yeah lets do that. I smile slightly as keep walking knowing ill do more that just watch at those auditions.


Anywayssssss first chapter done! 

Word count 1399

What did you guys think idk if im going to continue this or not. I mean it was kinda fun lol. anywayssss dont be a ghost reader comment what you want to see in this story, Btw most of it will be not proof read so dont mind the misspells or bad grammer. Love yall byeee

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