Savior (C)

35 3 0

Third POV


The trees and leaves crumple and sway in the dead of night. A little animal was running for its life.


The heavy breathing of a baby tiger echoed with the sound of gunshots from greedy poachers. It tripped, tumbled, dodged, anything to get away from its fate.

While running, the little tiger lost its footing, tumbling down a hill.

"Where'd it go?!"

"It couldn't have gone far. Split up!"

That was enough for the little tiger to take off running again. It once again dodged, tripped, tumbled, and hopped through carious branches and twigs. It was losing energy.

The smell of food brought the tiger to its senses, following the scent of delicious meat. Over the hill, there lied a cabin with the window open and the smell of fresh fried steak.


"And~ there." I looked at the yummy plate in front of me. That store down the street really got some good cuts of meat!

Sitting down, I get ready to tuck in,"Oh this is going to be so-" I stop mid sentence when I hear a sound. My heart dropped down all the way to the pit of my stomach. Oh hell no, please for the love of god don't be a maniac.

I grabbed a pan and slowly walked to my sliding door,"If you're hear to rob me Then you got the wrong house you little-"

A little roar reached my ears. A roar? I opened the curtain but nothing was here. Where did the-

"JESUS!" I jump back when a little animal pounced on the glass. Oh my god! Its a baby tiger!

"Oh you are so cute! Where's your mama? Actually I don't wanna know, that would be a horrible situation for me." I cooed at the "ferocious" tiger. It was trying to scar me with its fluffy paws and fangs. Its so cute though!

The sound of a gun echoed through the night. I grumbled," Poachers." The poor thing was shivering in fright. I immediately opened the sliding door and let it in. It ran straight in and I went out, yelling into the night," YOU LITTLE SHITS! IT AIN'T HUNTING SEASON! WAIT UNTIL I GET THE COPS ON YOUR ASSES!"

I ran to the phone and called them up. Little bastards think they're so superior just because they have guns.

After a bit, I could hear the sirens sound. Making sure they got them, I notified the cops that they're near my house currently hunting. It didn't take long for them to get caught and put in the back of the car.

I saw one of the men glaring at me so I smirked and did and "L" shape with my hand. Serves you right.

Now about the little tiger. When the cops left, I went to the phone and dialed up the animal sanctuary,"Hello? Yes? I have a baby tiger I would like to give to you guys."

"I'm sorry miss but we're currently all on shift to take care of the sanctuary, is it okay if you contain it until the morning?"

"Of course, I will take great care of it and call you tomorrow." I hung up and put my hands on my hips. Now I have a baby tiger to take care of- wait. Where is it?

I looked around my living room, a little concerned look on my face.

"Little tiger! Where are you?" I looked under the couch, in the hamper, I even checked the little cubbies because that tiger was so small!

Then it hit me.

My steak.

I ran to the kitchen to see it chomping away at my steak. I sighed, leaning on the doorframe while I watched,"You know that was mine, right?"

The tiger looked at me with a scowl before scarfing more down. I shook my head and slowly made my way to the fridge to take out the other steak as I prepare it for myself again.

When I was done, I sat on the other side of the table and ate. I wasn't paying attention to the little tiger until I saw a tiny paw trying to grapple onto a piece of my steak.

I turned my head to see the tiger cub leaning over, trying not to get close to me but trying to get the steak. With a chuckle, I bravely take the piece it's trying to take and hold it up to her face. It took no time for her to chomp at it, making me retract my hand.

"Hey, gentle. It's not going anywhere, okay?" I held up another piece,"again, aaahhh~" As if it understood me, the cub gently took it out of my hand. Cute.

After sharing my steak, I washed the dishes and went to the living room to make a little bed for the cub. She watched curiously with a tilted head.

I pointed to the little makeshift bed with pillows," this is your bed. I'll leave a lamp on for you." The cub watched as I turned on the light and headed up to my room. I made sure to crack my door open just in case any more surprises came up.

Just as I got into my bed, I heard the creak of the door and boom, the little tiger trotted in and onto my bed. I chuckled and gently pet her,"I'm rubbing off on you, huh? Well then, good night." Turning off my lamp, I drifted off to a deep slumber.

Third POV

The little cub watched as the girl who saved her slept. Slowly crawling up to her upper body, she sat down.

Her little fur slowly glimmered and shined, swirls of red dust covering her body and growing. Soon enough, a slim and naked figure sat in a mermaid like position staring with an intrigued look.

"What a weird human. So nice and thoughtful." She muttered as she watched her chest heave up and down. Her little fluffy ears twitched at the sound.

"Well, I might as well keep watch over her. She saved me and I must repay her somehow."

The girl stayed in the sitting position watching the night pass by, contemplating on what she'll do and how much of a reaction you will have of a naked woman with cub ears was in your sheets.

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