Chapter Eight

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Anxiety: Joy doesn't get it. Without our projections, we won't be prepared. Tomorrow's game is everything.

Envy: Coach will either make us a Fire Hawk or doom us to a friendless future.

Anxiety: I wish we knew what coach thought about us.

Envy: Her note book.

Anxiety: Yes. That's a great idea.

Debi (v.o.): Everything coach thinks about you is in there.

Anxiety: All we got to do is to sneak into her office and read it. Come on, Riley, move those feet.

Envy: She doesn't want to?

Anxiety: Are we pushing her too hard?

Envy: We gotta see what's in the notebook. It's the only way for us to know how we can do better.

Sadness: Riley, no... Joy? Come in, Joy.

Joy: [through walkie talkie] Sadness? Sadness, what's wrong? Why is Riley awake again? Over.

Sadness: Anxiety is making Riley break into the coach's office.

Joy: What?

Anger: She knows better than that.

Disgust: She will once we get her sense of self back.

Joy: Sadness, you have to stop her. Just don't get caught. Over.

(Sadness tries to get Embarrasment to help, but he just brushes her off.)

Sadness: No, Riley, no.

[Sadness then sees Ennui sleeping with her phone and gets an idea. Riley is about to open the book, but then she puts it down sadly.]

Anxiety: Why did she stop? [Sees the console is reacting to Sadness] Sadness? Ennui, where's your phone?

[Ennui's phone is missing; she fidgets around in shock.]

Ennui: Ooh La La! My phone?! Where is my phone?! Seriously?! This is not happening! NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!

Anxiety: Okay, she's got to be around here somewhere. Find her.

[Envy and Ennui push over the binders hiding Sadness.]

Envy: Gotcha!

[Sadness has disappeared, much to Embarrassment's relief. Anxiety looks up toward the emotions' dorm; inside, she spots Sadness' blanket glowing on her bed. She climbs up to her.]

Anxiety: Sadness?

Sadness: Uh, no?

[Anxiety pulls off the blanket, revealing Sadness underneath with Ennui's phone.]

Anxiety: I know Riley sneaking around feels wrong.

Sadness: This isn't who Riley is!

Anxiety: It's not about who Riley is. It's about who she needs to be.

[She takes over; Riley once again opens the book and flips to her entry. It reads "Riley Andersen - Not ready yet".]

Envy: Not ready yet?

Anxiety: Wait. The Coach already decided we're not making the team?

Envy: No. We have one day left. What do we do? What can we do? What would Val do?

Anxiety: Okay, okay, okay. Uh well, We're just gonna have to change coach's mind. Which means we're gonna need ideas. Lots of them.

[Meanwhile, the emotions continue on riding the balloon until something hit.]

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