Dead or alive?

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Abby ^^
Oh my god what is that wretched noise? I opened my eyes slightly only to close it back blinded by the bright light above me.

Oh my god, did I die? Is that you Jesus? Or is that an angel? I opened my eyes again holding my hand up to block the blinding light.


Would that noise stop!

I looked around, my eyes getting used to the unwelcomed light. It was all white...everywhere. White walls, white curtains, looking down I realised the white bed sheets.

That's when a sense of déjà vu hit me. When did this happen again? Oh yeah...I was a little sick at school and passed out, and then the next day I wa-....OH MY GOD (I'm saying that a lot lately) ANDY SAVED ME!!....this is the second time!

Well who could stay away from us?

Go away.

But I thought you liked me

That's far from the truth and you know it

so you hate yourself?

Shut up

Wow its someones time of the month

I stopped arguing with myself and wondered why Andy had saved me. 

Well,  I mean, isn't it every homophobes dream for me to die? I would've thought he would be more than happy, but then again to me Andy wasn't like the other self centred bastards.

I wish that I could time travel and go back to 8th grade and stop what had happened!

How nice would it have been to still have Andy as a friend?

Maybe that's why I have a crush on him. Maybe because I'm longing to walk side by side with him once more that It became a dreadful crush. It pretty much goes nice with it's title...crush. That's all it does.

*flash back to 8th grade*

I walked up to Andy as the school bell sounded all over the school.

"Hey Andrewwwww~" I sung, Andy looked down at me with that beautiful smile he hides from everyone else.

"Hey man," he replied softly.

We made our way to class making small talk on the way.

We had a really weird friendship, Andy is loved by all. He is the most popular kid in school, but he decided to hang out with one of the bully victims in school..little old me.

Our friendship isn't awkward, we talk about almost anything, from what we ate to our favourite bands.

Andy once told me I was different from the others and that's why he wanted to become friends with me.

And like magic as soon as he befriended me the bully's backed off...I was so grateful.

We entered class late as usual not paying any attention to the eyes on us. We sat on our usual spots at the back of the class still talking about unimportant things.

"Hey Andy you know how we made that promise at the oak? Do you mean it?"

Andy looked at me and smirked. 

"When did I ever go back on my words?" He reassured.

I smiled back happy with the answer I got. Not long after, the bell rang signalling the next period so I got up off my seat ready to head for next class.

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