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Hello my beautiful readers

Here is the third chapter



After hearing Ammi's sharp words, I hurried out of the house. I didn't want to make her angrier than she already was. If I lingered too long, I knew she would stop me from going to school altogether. As I walked through the familiar streets, the morning sun casting a soft glow over everything, I tried to shake off the worry gnawing at me. School was my escape, but I couldn't bear the thought of leaving on a sour note with Ammi.

Suddenly, my steps slowed as I noticed an old woman sitting on the side of the road, her frail body trembling as she wept. My heart clenched at the sight, and I quickly approached her. "Aunty, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I asked gently, kneeling beside her.

Her tear-streaked face lifted, and her voice trembled as she spoke, "The ambulance broke down... my son... he's badly injured. He's lost so much blood, but no one-no one is willing to help us."

Without a second thought, I reached out and gently wiped her tears, feeling her pain seep into my own heart. How could people just walk by? Forgetting all about school and the ticking clock that threatened to make me late, I stood up and began pleading for help from passersby. But one by one, they ignored me, brushing past as if this woman's grief was invisible.

Frustration built up inside me, but I refused to let it overwhelm me. I closed my eyes, lifting my hands slightly as I whispered, "Ya ALLAH , please... please help this woman . Her pain is unbearable, and her son's life is at stake. Forgive me Allah for whatever i am going to do"

With renewed determination, I stepped into the street, right in front of a car that was speeding down the road. The screech of tires echoed around me as the car came to a halt, inches away. My heart raced, but I stood firm, rushing to the driver's side and knocking on the window.

The glass slowly rolled down, revealing a man behind the wheel. Without even taking a moment to focus on his face, I poured out my plea. "PLEASE HELP ME! This woman's son is gravely injured and no one else will stop!"

The driver frowned and barked at me, "We don't have time for this nonsense! Get out of the way."

His harsh words stung, but I took a deep breath, refusing to lose my composure. THE PROPHET S.A.W SAID, "DO NOT BECOME ANGRY AND FURIOUS" I reminded myself. Calmly, I replied, "I understand you're in a hurry, but this is a matter of life and death. Please, just take a moment to help."

Before the driver could respond, a voice from the backseat interrupted. "Stop. We'll help."

The man in the back, whom I hadn't noticed before, leaned forward, his eyes meeting mine briefly before turning to the driver. He was calm, but there was an air of authority in his voice that silenced any further argument. Reluctantly, the driver nodded, and I quickly motioned for the old woman to come forward. With great care, she and her injured son were helped into the car.

I stepped back, my heart swelling with relief and gratitude. Turning to the man in the backseat, I offered a soft, heartfelt thank you. "May Allah reward you for your kindness. You've helped a person in need."

He nodded once, before the car sped off toward the hospital.

As they disappeared down the road, I took a deep breath and whispered another prayer of thanks, knowing that Allah had heard my dua and send someone to help the old lady.As I hurriedly rushed to school after helping the old lady cross the street, a warm sense of peace washed over me. There was a contentment in my heart, knowing that even a small act of kindness could bring blessings. Alhamdulillah, I whispered to myself, grateful for the opportunity to help. But as I approached the school gate, I felt panic rise within me-I knew I was late. My mind raced, imagining the stern face of the guard uncle, his imposing figure standing like a fortress I had no hope of breaching.

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