The Niall Horan!

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I was exhausted when I got home. I wasn't even up to getting myself up to my room and going on Twitter. But I had no chose, Nina was keep on texting me and asking me if I posted the sketch of Harry online yet. I had no hope of Harry replying or even looking at the post so any ways. This is what I posted on Twitter:

°Guys this is a sketch of Harry, I drew him and I wish you guys love the sketch. Um Harry I wish you see this and follow me or even better DM me. Guys RT if you like it and follow me°

Then my mom yelled out from downstairs,

"Sonia dinner is ready,"

"Coming," I left my phone on my bed.


20 minutes later

I came back to my room and as soon as I opened twitter, it was truly a Twitter Miracle. 201 people followed me and one particular person followed me as well. It wasn't Harry Styles. (I wish) But it was someone I loved equally........Niall Horan. There was also a DM from him. I opened it and this is what I saw:

°Hey Sonia, I know we don't know each other that well, or at least I don't know you. I wish I know u better. I loved the sketch of Harry . Can you make one of me ?Please.°

I checked 10 times, if this was the real Niall. And yes, it was him. I finally got the courage to reply to his DM.

°Hey Niall, I love you seriously alot. I will we more than happy to make a sketch of you. I still can't believe I am DMing the Niall Horan.°

With that I plugged my phone in to the charger and turned the lights off. I had enough excitement for today. I can't wait to see Nina's expression tomorrow. After I tell her what happened. Once again she was right and I was wrong.


Guys I am sorry this is short. I wish more people read my story. It is like 1:25 am right now. Please vote and comment, this is my first story again. So sorry for the spelling and grammar mistakes.

Twitter miracle (Harry fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now