Chapter 2

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The night started off with me trying to get some sleep, yet somehow, I ended up tied up to a chair that these two strange men found in the kitchen. The one with the long hair, Sam, was on guard duty while the one with the short hair, Dean, went out to go grab something.

I was left wondering if I had made the right decision in wanting to end everything this way or not. I mean, death for a lycan would always be painful, I understood that, which got me to this point. However, the duration of pain that they were probably going to put me under, I wasn't too happy about.

A sudden rumble filled the room. Sam narrowed his eyes at me, leaning himself up against the counter with his arms crossed. The rumble, this time at a greater magnitude, filled the room once again.

"...Sorry. Haven't had anything to eat." I sighed.

He kept silent as he kept watch. Soon Dean came in with what seemed like a dark green, worn out, duffle bag over his shoulder.

"Dean..." Sam called to him.

Grabbing his attention, Sam motioned his eyes to the left of the room, causing Dean to follow behind him the moment he got off the edge of the counter and advanced in that direction. Sighing, I adjusted my hearing in order get an exact idea of what it was exactly that they were about to do.

"What?" Dean asked sternly.

"...Well for starters, we don't know how to kill lycans." Sam answered.

"Yeah, I'm aware of that Sam. That's why we're going to try to sedate her, so we can get her back to the bunker, and hopefully find something that'll tell us how to kill her..." He answered with a slight tone of annoyance.

"...Okay, but don't you think we should at least figure out where it is exactly that those pack of wolves on the other side of town are staying before we do that?" Sam heavily suggested.

"Hm." Dean replied.

Before I knew it, both of them simultaneously turned around to throw daggers at me with their eyes.

"...So." Dean began. "About those-"

"They're about...twenty four miles away from here. They occupy an entire apartment complex, and there are about a hundred of them, give or take. By the time you hit that five mile mark in, they'll know you guys are coming, and I'm pretty sure they won't be too happy about it, since you guys kind of reek of silver. If you guys take me along, you'll have a better chance of fighting them off. Not great, but better. Then again, you can do it a different way: take them down in groups, instead of trying to attack the entire pack. Either way, it's not going to be easy, and one of you may possibly die, so if you guys know of anyone else who does what you guys do, you might want to call for some reinforcements. Just saying..." I said, watching them as they watched me.

They both looked slightly dumbfounded.

"...Right, and what's in this for you?" Dean asked, seeming suspicious of my motives.

"...What you guys were about to do. I'm tired of being here. Ever since I turned, everything has been hard. I haven't eaten the day it happened, I haven't been able to see my family in months, and everything I worked so hard for up until now has all gone to waste because...of this curse. I'm tired and I want to sleep...forever." I replied, clearing my throat. "I can't go on like this anymore..."

Sam's face was ridden with pity, however Dean simply scowled at me.

"I say we just ice her..." Dean whispered to Sam.

Sam skewed his lips to one side, giving Dean somewhat of a look of disapproval.

"...What?" Dean asked in annoyance.

"...I don't know. What if she's like Kate? What if she can live a normal life?" He asked. "Besides, she just said she hadn't eaten anything the day she turned..."

"Right right..." Dean smirked. "Just give them all a freakin' chance. They won't go off and kill anybody. Not at all. Doing this job as long as we have, it's all been candy and rainbows, and everybody lives happily ever after. She's not Kate Sam! Alright? Just because Kate showed us that she can control herself, that doesn't mean every other one of these guys can! Who knows? Even Kate might screw up down the road! We're icin' her and that's it, she already gave us what we need to know. There's no point in keeping her around anymore..."

Before Dean could make his way towards me, Sam grabbed him by the wrist.

"...Dean, just...please, trust me on this one." Sam pleaded.

"...Wrong thing to say Sammy. One name: Ruby." He said sternly, yanking his arm from Sam's grip.

Sam seemed utterly shocked.

"One name: Benny." Sam replied harshly, managing to stop Dean in his tracks.

Dean's eyes grow slightly wider, as if he were going down a trip on memory lane.

"Look, I know I've screwed up in the past Dean, more than I'd like to admit, but you have to trust me on this one. We can't kill her. Not yet." Sam pleaded once more. "Maybe not even ever..."

"...Look," I finally spoke. "I don't know who the heck Kate is, or who the heck Benny is, but as far as I can tell, they're not here, so they have nothing to do with what's going on right now. If you don't want to take me along the ride with you guys, fine. I don't care. If you guys want to kill me right now, cool, I can tell you how to do it. Just make up your minds. I don't want to stretch this out any longer..."

Sam stayed quiet, as if he were awaiting an answer from Dean, but Dean was still far gone down that trip to memory lane that he took.

"...Hey." Sam called out.

Quickly Dean turned his gaze over to Sam.

"...Fine. We won't kill her, but we won't take her with us to the pack. We're taking her to the bunker." Dean replied, clearing his throat.

Walking towards me with a knife in his hand, he began to cut through the restraints that held me down to the chair. Silently sitting there, I robbed my wrist as I sighed.

"Come on..." He said, grabbing me by the arm.

"Hey, calm down. You don't have to be so rough..." I muttered, almost tripping the second he yanked me up.

"Shut up..." He growled.

The second I made it outside, I began to tremble uncontrollably. The cold midnight air was eating away at my bones.

"Stop that..." Dean demanded.

"Can't. Jerk." I replied.

Making it to his car, I found myself standing next to him with the trunk wide open. There were a series of odd symbols painted on the inside.

He simply stood there, eyeing me as if he were waiting on me to do something.

"...What?" I asked.

He eyed the truck and looked back at me.

"You've gotta be kidding..." I fumed.

"Don't like dogs in my car." He smirked.

What a jerk... I thought in disgust.

"I feel like anybody else you know..." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

Ignoring me, he forced me towards the edge of his trunk, managing to get me inside.

The last image I saw before complete and utter darkness was this stupid smug on his face that I wanted to shred.

...Why couldn't I have just been normal? It's cramped in here...

A/N: Felt like I needed to update something to show you guys that I'm still alive. May not have been the update that you wanted, but I'm sure others will soon appreciate it. Thanks for reading. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2016 ⏰

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