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Light flooded the room, which indicated that morning had arrived. I selected my favourite flannel shirt, a black cardigan and a grey scarf to top it off. My black skinny jeans and brown shoes matched the rest. Unlike other guys, I cared what I wore. I ran out of the door and started my journey to school.

I arrived at Mark Lantern High School. I was greeted by Chris. I felt bad for Chris because he's had a crush on me for a long time but I haven't told anybody I'm gay yet so he thought I was straight. I liked Danny Milton so even if I wasn't closeted, it wouldn't work out between us. The fact that I'm closeted is a problem. I haven't even told my dad. I've known since I was ten but I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to admit it to myself either. I wanted everyone to know but I don't have the courage for that. It has really been weighing me down. What if I told someone and they weren't my friend anymore? It's not something I can help so I hope somebody realizes that when I open up about my sexuality.

After school, I walked to the magazine shop. One magazine had an article about how to confess to your friends and family about being gay. I bought it then went home. I tip-toed to my room to avoid my dad asking about the magazine. The magazine arrived to my room unquestioned. I read the article. There were stories about others experiences. They talked about bullying and other difficulties. Tears welled up in my eyes then eventually escaped from my eyes. I tried to hold them in but they were like Houdini, always finding a way to escape. I didn't want my dad to notice so I skipped dinner. I just lay in my bed until I fell asleep.

On the way to school I decided I couldn't hide it anymore. I decided to tell my dad because he deserved to know first. Chris would know second because he went through it too. I stopped walking and turned around to go back home. When I arrived I told my dad I needed to tell him something before he could question me.

"Dad, I don't like girls." I started. He chuckled and asked if I was having girl problems. I shook my head and that's when tears started dancing down my face.

"Dad, I don't mean it like that. I mean I'm gay. I like boys." I explained to him. I prepared for him to get upset at me but he never did. He told me it's alright and that he didn't understand it yet but he was proud of me no matter what. We hugged and then he took me to school. When I got to school it was break. It was a perfect time to tell Chris. I walked up to Chris. When I asked if I could tell him something he accepted my proposal.

"Chris, I'm gay." I confessed to him. He looked excited for a moment but then thanked me for telling him. He asked if Macy and Tina knew but I said no. He offered to help me tell them. It made telling them so much easier. They were proud of me and it didn't scare them away. We all went to the mall for shopping and then to dinner after school. My dad, Chris, Tina and Macy are the only ones that know.

Something bright green was stuck to my locker. I hesitantly wandered up to it and read what it said.

I know your secret, Elijah Rowland. -D

I never thought a sticky note could send so much chills down my spine. The note was now crumpled up and shredded at the bottom of the garbage bin. My quickened breath was beginning to slow down. Maybe it was just a prank. I backed away when something blocked my path. A sweet voice behind me apologized. It was Danny. I turned around to meet his gorgeous blue eyes. He confessed that he had wrote the note.

"Does it bother you?" I asked shyly. I was about to carry on with uninteresting questions when suddenly he kissed me. At first my lips were tense as he had taken me by surprise but then my lips softened into his. We drew apart and I just gazed into his eyes. My breath was taken away and I couldn't speak.

"Elijah, I've loved you since I started going to MLHS." Danny admitted. I couldn't believe what was happening to me right now. He held my face for a moment before leaving. I felt eyes burning into me. I peered over my shoulder to find Tina, Chris and Macy smiling at me. They kept asking about what just happened but to be honest I didn't even know myself. What I did know was that I was in love with Danny.

As I arrived at school, I noticed that there was another note on my locker. It said,

Elijah the gay guy-kisser! E + D = <3

My heart sunk. Everyone knew about my secret. When lunch arrived, I went for a walk. I heard some knuckles crack behind me. I spun around to find Dylan Stanton and his friends. They picked me up and threw me in the dumpster. The smell was nauseating. They laughed and walked away, leaving me there. I waited until they left before I could get out of the dumpster. While I was getting out a hand touched mine. I looked up to find Danny standing there. He helped me out then I hugged him. I thanked him for helping me. We kissed. Every time we kiss, I forget everything for a moment. I thanked him again and then we went inside to go to our fifth block classes.

Danny and I hung out more and more. We began dating and luckily my friends liked him. Chris was jealous though. I began promoting gay equality by publicly performing and speaking. I performed at different schools and events. I was becoming more known, especially in the gay community. People don't yet fully understand or accept people like me but I am slowly making a difference. I have been interviewed on the news and for newspapers. I've become a hero in the gay community and hopefully we will be treated like everyone else. I have shared this dream with other gay people for a very long time and hopefully it will happen.


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