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When Honda and Minori stepped back outside to return within the city's walls, it was unexpectedly raining. Minori rushed to get inside her car and be shielded from the beating downpour of rainfall, but Honda kept walking at the same pace until he met with the passengers seat door. Minori started the car, and put on the headlights so that she could see where she was going. She reversed outwards and off they went.

"Now, was that interesting or what?" Minori asked gleefully. What Honda said next hit her like a truck. "You talk too much." He said incredibly bluntly. "O-oh..." Minori stuttered, "...would you prefer I didn't talk at all?" She asked, almost sounding like she was turned down on something. Honda grunted as he had been since he met this woman. "Hmph. Keep going, I don't mind. And yes... that was certainly a shock." He admitted. "Right?" Minori said "It boggles my mind. Just makes you wonder what else is out there..."

A sudden shrill shriek could be heard. The sound pierced both of their ears' and was easily distinguishable against the backdrop of the rain beating down onto the cars windshield. A vast shadow could be seeing trailing across the wet treeline until the shadow revealed itself. A massive snapping turtle kaiju with huge fangs and a deadly looking spikey shell. It's front legs were much larger than its back legs, and had spikes protruding from its elbows. Its skin was a dark greyish viridian green. "Kamoebas!" Minori blurted. The turtle kaiju crashed in, its claw mere inches away from the car. It shook its head in the direction of the car and snarled, a snarl that slowly grew into a howl.

Kamoebas raised its mighty arm into the air before striking downwards towards the car, chucking it a considerable length away from itself and into a ditch. Honda jolted towards Minori and tried to shield her from harm, putting his arms around her until the car stopped tumbling and remained motionless. "Oh my God... oh my God..." Minori whispered, frightened out of her wits. The car had luckily landed on it's wheels. Honda carried Minori out of the car carefully and placed her down on her feet. "Stay here." He told her. Minori stayed hidden behind the ruined car, desperately trying to avoid the gaze of Kamoebas. She listened in to the carnage that she would hear unfold not far from her. Clanking and clashing of claws and teeth and metal. Minori knew it would be foolish, but curiosity got the best of her. She left her spot and begun walking up where Honda had left.

Minori watched the duel from the bushes. It was astonishing. Honda braced as he witnessed Kamoebas begin to charge at him with intense frenzy. The turtle kaijus mouth opened to snatch up the samurai in its jaws, but it was met with swift defiance from Honda's sword. Honda knocked out one of Kameobas' fangs, sending Kameobas backwards in pain. The massive turtle reassembled itself, looking at Honda with fury before snarling and heading in the opposite direction. Honda ran over to Minori.

"I thought I told you to stay there!" He shouted. "I wanted to make sure you were okay! You just went toe to toe with a freaking Kaiju!" Minori returned with the same loud tone. "You could've died out there!", "I would've handled it, and I did! See? It's gone now." Honda yelled. Both of them were silenced by the sound of gigantic drums being beaten. And devilish laughter.

Minori and Honda looked on in horror at the chaotic sight unfolding from where Kamoebas had fled. The turtle monster was being enveloped and illuminated by the heavens splitting open, crackling with gold thunder. The clouds flowed downwards like malevolent angels, and one in particular was peculiar.

As more was revealed, there was a Kaiju atop this strange cloud. The kaiju just seemed to be levitating, sitting on the cloud. It was almost humanoid in its body structure, but not quite. It was covered in garish green bumps like a toad, and it had huge forearms in proportion to its legs, a bit like Kamoebas. It's abdomen and pectoral muscles were armored with golden plating that led from its neck down to in-between its legs. The creatures face was long and its mouth curled into a strange, almost aligator-like smile. It had a huge long horn in-between it's eyes, and from its head begun a luscious vermillion mane that ran down its neck and back. Several spiraling symbols of energy surrounded the strange thundering kaiju.

The massive floating kaiju sat atop its thunder cloud, beating its chest like a gorilla and cackling. Under the light of the surrounding thunder, Kamoebas displayed its signature ability. From the crown of spikes that adorned its tough shell seemed to run down literal liquid metal. Quickly Kamoebas' entire body was coated in this metallic substance and it howled up at its opponent in the sky.

The thunder kaiju seemed to grin before lifting its hand towards Kamoebas, sending several bolts of lightning towards it. The electricity ran and danced across Kamoebas' body painfully, keeping it down, weakened. The thunder kaiju came down from its cloud, towering above Kamoebas. It seemed to be fairly tall for a bipedal kaiju. It bent down and gave Kamoebas an uppercut, forcing the turtle kaiju to stand up on two legs momentarily. The thunder kaiju took advantage of this and grabbed Kamoebas' head with one hand as it stood. Bolts of electricity ran through the thunder kaijus hand and onto Kamoebas' head. The thunder kaiju then delivered a devastating blow with its other hand, sending Kamoebas fleeing into the darkness. The thunder kaiju laughed maliciously after having bullied poor Kamoebas into submission.

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