Chapter 2

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"MOOOM!!!!!!!!!" I called from upstairs.

I heard her foot steps got closer and closer. "What do you want?!"

I rolled my neck and sat down. "Sorry. I'm not used to being alone." Eleanor rolled her eyes. "Come on. Now that I'm awake I might as well make breakfast right?" I nodded in agreement. Eleanor was a great cook. She made eggs and bacon. I grabbed my bag. "I'm gonna step out side for a bit mum." She nodded picking up my plate. I walked a block. "Lost?" A cute voice called. I immediately turned around. There standing was a cute boy looking right at me. "No,I'm just on a quick walk." He grinned. "Your cute." I frowned. "Excuse me!!!" I narrowed my eyes. "Come on. Run away with me? Be happy?" I sighed. "1, I barely know you. And 2 I have a family." I turned. "Ok. You'll get to know me. I don't have a home and I need one and I need a girl." He said quickly. "Look,Meet me tomorrow this same place 11:00." He nodded. Walked up to me and kissed me. I stood there as he walked off. "Huh. A kiss does feel good once and a while." I muttered. I slowly walked home. I went inside. Eleanor had signed me up for dance classes. I got on my dance clothes wrapped my sweater and headed out.

"Bye punkin!" Louis screamed jokingly. I walked off slowly. I then ran to dance class. I got inside threw on my dance shoes and got inside in time for stretches.

"Almost late Jenna?" I smiled stupidly. I looked out the window and there was the boy in the window staring at me.

"Huh!!" I gasped.

"Jenna? Are you alright sweetheart?" I looked back at her.

"Yes. Excuse me. I shall be back." I walked outside the room he wasn't there. The door had shut just then and all I saw was the hand leaving. I walked back into the room and stretched. I heard girls whispering stuff about me. Like,

"Shes the new insane girl I heard!"

"No shes the snobby rich girl!" I heard one mumble. I sighed. At the barres no one was near me. I was the only one. Every time my teacher helped or corrected me nicely all of the other girls laughed. When we did individuals I messed up and every girl laughed. I flopped over in my turns. I got dizzy! I ran out of the room crying.

"Girls! Knock it off! I will be talking to your parents tonight." When Eleanor fame to get me she talked to my teacher for awhile.

"Maybe ballet isn't her thing." I heard one say. We left and I got home. I ran to my bedroom and peeled off my sweaty clothes. I put on sweats and got on the computer. My mom knocked on the door.

"Sorry about dance class. It just might not be your thing." She said sweetly.

"No! It is my thing! Just not with those brats!" I burst into tears on my bed.

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