Changing her dress

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Zayan leaned back on the sofa, his blood was pouring down onto the floor. His face turned red with anger. His light brown hair fell messily over his head, and his heart was burned with rage. “Please,mother, come with me.” He muttered to himself. “My soul is out of my body. I’ve come near death. Im…..totally alone in this world.” Clutching his hair in his fists, and barked out in frustration.

His room was sound proof, so his voice didn't escape its walls.

He paced around the room, the blood still streaming from his hand. As the pain flared in his head, he lay down on the bed, his legs off the bed edge. A past memory flashed into his eyes.

“My son, calm down. Why are you trying to hurt me?” His mother’s voice echoed in his mind.

“I want to play with you,” a younger boy of himself had said to her.

Her blue eyes sparkled as she laughed, her white skin was glowing as they ran on the lawn. Abruptly, she grabbed him by the waist and exclaimed, I caught you! I'm the winner!” She said to the boy.

“Mama, that's cheating!” Zayan protested.

“Ohh, I'm not cheating with you, my son.”  She had tickled him playfully.

“Mama, stop tickling me!” The boy demanded, but there was laughter in his voice.

A small girl's voice called from the lawn. “Zaynoo, are you listening to me? Where am I? Why are you ignoring? Could you caught me?  Please……..

“Mama, I’ll listen to her, but you can tell her not to call me names likes that?”  She is teasing me likes that?

“She love you, his mother had said gently.

Why does she loving me, Mama? She’s always torturing me. When she came it and she tears my books and also throw my favourite things in the trash. Is this what kind of love to me? 

“She’s just a child,” his mother replied. When she grow up fully into a woman. She’ll never hurt you again? Do you understood, my son?”

Zayan straight sat on the bed suddenly. “Mama, you said, She loves me. But right now, she doesn't love with me. She's loves Hasham and went to his house. 

A smirked curled his lips as the pain in his head throbbed.

A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and he allowed to enter the room.

With the permit, Akram stepped in the room with a bow head.

“Master, lauch is ready.”  Akram said politely. “Shall l serve it on the dining table?”

Zayan's voice filled with anger as he said said, “Akram, my work will finish as soon as possible. I won't wait much longer. Amaya will face my wrath soon enough. She'll fulfill my desires and I'll make her life unbearable.” Zayan muttered to himself.

“Okay, master.  As you wish.” Akram responded politely.

I will lunch on the dinng tables. First, I'm take a bath, then I come on the dinng tables.

“You can go now.” Zayan said to him.

Akram just nodded his head and dashed out his room.

Wait…..wait. “Tell Zoha to prepare the room for her. She will come as soon as.  Zayan ordered and last sentence he just said with a slow voice. “Amaya, be ready. You told me want to die, but I won't let that happen. Not yet.” My heart was burning on the revenge and you'll also be burnt on this fire. He smirked coldly.

He was strolled towards the dressing table
and stood on it. His deep brown eyes turned red with fury. His sharp feature- his thin-straight nose and his white face, his little brown hairs- reflected in the mirror as he clenched his and slammed it against the dressing table mirror, fell onto the ground and shattered it into pieces.

In frustrated, he headed to the washroom,  remove his clothes and stood under the shower. Ten minutes later, he shut off the  shower and put on the bathrobe.

As he approached the wardrobe and opened it. He pulled out a white jeans and black pant, dressed quickly, and came to the downstairs and lauch was already served on the dinng table.

A servant pulled out a chair for him, and sat on it. And roasted chicken served on the flat. As he began to eat, a pot slipped from the servant’s hands, crashing to the floor.

As Zayan's stern, harsh gaze fell upon the trembling servant. “Why did you drop it? He demanded.looked to the servant with a stern and harsh face.

“M…m……master,” the servant stammered. “I………I….I have a fever that's why it slipped my hands.”

Did you tell me? Zayan scolding to him.

“Ohhhhh, Zayan pressed his hand to his temple in frustration.” Tell Akram to give you medicine. Akram! He called out loudly. Come here!

Akram appeared with a bowed head. “Yes, master.”

“You give medicine to him and make sure he rests. But next time, don't let this happen again. I won't forgive you so easily.”
Zayan warned in a frustrated voice.

The servant nodded the head and hurried away.

Zayan left the table and Walked to the lawn, still fuming.

After the nurse finished changing her dress, she exited the room. Hasham, who had been pacing in the lobby, approached her immediately.

“Did you change her dress?” he asked.

“Yes, I did. You can go now,” the nurse replied.

Suddenly, hasham's phone rang. “Oh on, I forgot the meeting!” he exclaimed, rushing toward the elevator. He pressed the button and stepped inside. Once outside the hospital, he got into his car, and headed onto the main road. Fifteen minutes later, he arrived at the office, sat on the chair, and switch on his laptop to prepare the presentation for today.

A knock on the door interrupted him.

“Come in,” Hasham granted the permission to entered the room.

With the permit, his secretary, Zarin entered. The deadline for today is this. He hold the file on tthr Hasham.

“Okay, Zarin, you can go now. I'll check everything properly,” Hasham replied. “By the way, where is my dad?”

“He’s in the office.” Zain answered.

“Hmmm. I'll give you the documents. Check  them carefully and highlight my mistakes.” Hasham instructed.

“Yes, sir, I'll review them. Zain responded.

I have to go. Zarin said with a gently.

“Yes, you can go.” Hasham responded.

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