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You'll come back. You always do.

 You always do

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People argue over little things, small disagreements that could be forgotten in a day at the least, or have a large ripple effect in a persons life at most. An example could be a small playful disagreement with friends that could cause you to feel mad. Another could be an argument with a parent that causes you to leave and cut contact.

These events build character, in my eyes, at least. They're apart of your personality and how you shape up to be. 

They effect your mental state. Isn't that fascinating?

Well, in my case, it also effected our physical state. Another common event in arguments, I guess. While some people start fighting, maybe throw a few punches. It also can cause people to.. lose something.

Like their life!

. . .


"I don't think these crystals are stable, Subspace." A voice mumbled cautiously as he picked up a small pink gem, inspecting it a short distance from his face as it glowed angrily. The shape of the crystal feeling ever so fragile as it slowly shifted from a sharp, spread out shape, to a more unified and put-together one.

"They might be a bit rough around the edges, but they work! Trust me, after this we'll be famous!" An energetic voice replied, walking over to the other demon with a grin, "We'll be useful to the entire faction after this, Medkit." 

Inside of the frosted gates of the large city in Blackrock, two scientists reside working together to find use of a giant crystal inside of the nation. Subspace, an eccentric and passionate worker that wants to create weapons to help aid in the war currently between Blackrock and a few other factions, and Medkit, his uh.. Coworker. 

"To do that, we have to make something stable, I'm just saying. Even if it works fundamentally, It's still unsafe. These crystals you're making- they're massive biohazards." 

"So then we make a powerful bioweapon! Those Playgrounders won't know what hit them!" Subspace earned a slightly irked sigh in response. "We don't want to wipe them out, instead of making weapons we should make devices to help aid our soldiers. Some kind of medicine."

"We could be stronger!"

"We could be smarter."

The eccentric demon decided to stay quiet and roll his eyes. If Medkit had different ideas of what's useful, fine! Though eventually he'll come to agree with Subspace. Right? I mean. They're co-workers. They're a team! Even if Subspace has to force him to agree. Medkit has to work with him.

Oh, that's not healthy! Silly me!

Silly Subspace. Medkit has a choice in this. For the most part.

The thought nagged at Subspace for the rest of the day, as he worked Medkit's annoying voice lingered in his mind "It's not stable." Shut up. "It's unsafe" We have a war to win! Nothing is safe! Subspace would rather have a robot to take his every command than have some bum to make him try and reconsider his choices. 

Stupid Medkit. I hate him.

What's worse is that as Subspace was trying to clean up; he accidentally spilled everything! The gases he had created and carefully placed into a jar was now a messy pink aura around the laboratory. Annoying. Also; he might have slightly inhaled too much of the gas while cleaning up.

If only he knew someone who specialized in healing, or at least had some basic medical knowledge. That would be useful. Then he wouldn't be getting headaches and migraines left and right from his work. 

Working the rest of the night was a bit daunting with the air filled with gases, but lucky him, he got used to it quickly! He made great progress. 

. . .


"Hi, Medkit!" An annoying voice filled his head as he clocked into work, Medkit's face forming a tick, "Good morning." he wasn't sure about what Subspace did at night, but it smelled awful. Like a nagging mix of gas and flesh? 

"Dear Illumina.. What did you do in here? It smells awful." he questioned his coworker with a side eye.

"You just walked in and you're already critiquing my work, get a hobby!" Subspace frowned, "Though to answer your question, I spilled some substances last night and I couldn't entirely clean it up! I assure you though; there is no poison in the air anymore!"

"..Comforting." He left the conversation at that, walking into his office to put down his stuff before putting on the horrendous uniform they were forced to wear. 

"Did you sleep at all last night, Subspace?" He tried to make a light conversation, unfortunately, his partner is the bane of his existence, "Interested in my life, Meddy?! Well! I didn't! I have an important job and it's to create this crystal!!"

"..Right. Remember to take a break when you need it, Subspace."

The words felt off to Medkit, he didn't really want to be friendly, but that's the first thing that came to his mind, and I guess Subspace would like the support.

"I will, don't worry."

i like to draw and play

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i like to draw and play..

pre-disaster subkit has my heart. i like them a lot, theyre silly. while this fic wont be entirely pre-disaster, it will have a big part in the first few chapters so BARE WITH ME GUYS (i dont know where im going with this)

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⏰ Last updated: 2 days ago ⏰

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