Chapter 21: Live in the moment

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Bzzzz. Bzzz. Bzzzzzzzzzz.

I peek an eye open at the vibrating noise. The fire is now out, leaving the room in a low dim. There's barely any light peeking out from the cabin windows. I deduce it's probably around 4 AM since Mason and I knocked out around 2:30 AM. We started to have a Marvel movie marathon. I think we got through both Avengers movies before we began to feel sleepy.

Of course, there was a shit ton of cuddling and junk food. 

Bzzz. Bzzz. Bzzzzz. 

The vibrations seem to coming from the tabletop near the couch. I try to shake off the remnants of sleep no matter how comfortable and tired I feel. I frown at the position I am in. Mason has his arms wrapped around my waist tightly as he lays on his back in the couch. I lift my head off of his chest, no matter how much my body protests. It also doesn't help he's half naked. His chest is chiseled nicely. Then, I slowly unwrap his arms as I try not to wake him up. 

It's to no avail. His arms are not freaking budging. I frown and give up after a few more attempts. Whatever.

Reaching an arm at the table close by, I barely manage to grab the phone that has been vibrating nonstop. Flipping the screen towards my face, I am blinded by the sudden brightness. 

I glance at the screen and look at all the text messages. I scroll down all the way to the bottom. 

"Is the bet still on?"

"C'mon, it's easy money!"

"it's just another notch"

"text me bruh, asap. k?" 

"i'll throw in some mo $$"

"Where are you man?"

By this time, I realize this isn't my phone but Mason's. We both have the same phones and similar covers, though mine is midnight blue with stars and his is plain black. It's hard to tell in the dim light. The messages continue, some related to the ones above, some not. It's hard not for me to assume things.

I'm not going to assume the worst. Instead, i try to collect my feelings and thoughts as I think this through as realistically as possible. 

"Mason." I get up and shake him awake. His eyes snap open and he immediately becomes alert. That is quick.

"What's wrong?" He sits upright as he starts to put on his shirt. 

"First off, I wasn't going through your texts. I thought this was my phone. Still, I couldn't help noticing about these texts. I didn't read all of them, but the first ones caught my attention. Did you make a bet with your friends to see if you could get in my pants?" The words sound awfully bad as I say them. It doesn't come out the way I want it to.

He's silent momentarily before responding. I watch as his defensive walls are solidified. He replies shortly,  "They're not about you. I know what you're thinking. It's about something else. I can't exactly say what."

"Oh really?" I do not sound convinced at all. He looks me straight in the eyes. Yet, I know that this dude can do and say anything without meaning it at all. He's still an enigma. 

"Yes. I swear." Frustration leaks into his voice as he tries to convince me. 

"Whatever." I grab my jacket, socks, and shoes along with a bag of marshmallows. "I'll let you do what you do. See you at school." 

"Dels..." he reaches out to grab me once more. I shrug him off and walk strongly to the door. I do not falter as I open the door and leave. 

"Delany, at least be reasonable. It's 4 in the morning. The sun has not risen yet. Plus, you don't have a ride back." He grumbles and tries to talk some sense into me. I am quite sensible.

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