Completely Confused

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  The next week went by pretty similar to the first day. Darrick would cook everything, despite my constant offer to do so, I would bathe in the lake with Darrick keeping watch, and the rest of the time I was sitting around the house. There wasn't much to do out here. I guess if you're that outdoorsy type person, this place was heaven on earth but even if I was, Darrick doesn't let me go outside unless I'm taking a bath. Not that I minded. I was a city girl. I grew up there and had lived there all my life. I'm used to loud noises and bustling people but here is so quiet and deserted. All I can do is sit and stare at walls or read the books on the shelf, which were mostly in another language.

I sat down on the sofa and let out a sigh, looking up at the ceiling. I was going completely stir crazy. I had cleaned the whole house, twice, and it was still only one in the afternoon. I looked around the room and tried to find something to occupy my time. I saw nothing. You'd think I'd be using this time to think about what I would do when all of this was over but to be honest, I had absolutely no idea. I knew I couldn't go visit family or anyone. Even if Shamar goes to jail, his men will still be out there. They'll still be looking for me or at least watching my moves. I just had to get used to being alone I guess. I heard footsteps and looked up, seeing Shamar walk in on the phone.

"Yeah.....Anything?.....Well he wouldn't go that far. His empire is based there and he would send his men to find her, not go himself......I need to see everything again. There has to be something we're missing......You're here?......Okay well meet me in town at the store in fifteen." Darrick ended the call and shoved his phone in his pocket, walking over to the sofa. He sat down and shoved on his boots, lacing them up. He was going in town? Would he take me? I'm dying to get out of here.

"No I'm not taking you." Darrick said fixing his boot

"How did you know I wanted to go?"

"You talk your thoughts out loud a lot." Damn it! I thought I had stopped that

"Please. Please. Please, let me go. I've been stuck in this house for a week with nothing to do. I need a different surrounding. I need people. I need civilization." I said folding my hands and pleading. He laughed and pulled out his phone, looking at a message on his screen.

"Wait...I thought there was no reception out here." I said pointing at his phone

"It's a special phone made to be able to call anywhere, even places without service."

"Wow that's really cool but please let me go. I'm begging you right now. I promise I won't be any trouble plus I have to go. It's your job to watch me and you can't do that if you are at the store and I'm here. What if something happens and I'm here alone? It would be your fault and it would be on your conscience for the rest of your life." I pointed out. To my surprise he actually seemed to be thinking it over. Please say yes. He finally let out a sigh and stood up, grabbing his keys.

"Okay you can go but do everything I say. Don't talk to anyone or touch anything. One wrong move and you give away our position without even realizing it." I jumped up in excitement and ran to the door.

"I promise. Now let's go!" I opened the door and ran outside to the car, impatiently waiting for Darrick to follow and unlock the door. I was probably way too excited to just go to the store but I didn't care. How Darrick stayed in that house all day, I would never know. Darrick finally walked out of the house, locking the door, and headed to the car. As soon as he unlocked the doors, I jumped in and buckled my belt ready to go. Darrick got in the car and started it, backing down the long road. We finally reached the main road and headed back down the hill to the town.

It didn't take long at all to get there, about ten minutes. The town seemed very small. One of those places where everyone knew everyone else and where people moved there and never left. I looked out the window as we passed different stores and houses. We seemed out of place in a black Charger when most people were either walking or riding bikes. I looked over at Darrick and noticed a hint of a smile as he looked around. I could tell he loved this place a lot but who wouldn't? I probably would love living here if I wasn't stuck up in the house all day. Darrick eventually pulled into a parking spot outside of a convenient store and turned off the car. Before I could get out, he quickly turned to me and pointed his finger in my direction.

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