[2] call me crazy.

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2; call me crazy.
Everyone was dead.


    Octavia Nolan had been recovering the past week from nightmares of her "experience" with a dead girl that tried to eat her. She was made the laughing stock of the hospital. And had been declared insane until noted otherwise by the hospital's shrink. Her nightmares all correlate with Felicia Grace coming after her with blood dripping from her mouth, and they have evolved to include more than the dead girl, it had added more people with the same dead look in their eyes.

She wasn't crazy. But, if that had been made up in her mind, then she was crazy. 

Her back was slouched into the uncomfortable couch in the shrink's office, arms crossed at her chest. A table separated her and the shrink, much to her pleasure. She had been coming here all week to be cleared sane enough to go back to work. 

"Your nightmares. They keep coming back?"

Swallowing a lump, she nods. "Yeah. I keep, uh, seeing her. But, uh, I've been seeing more than her."

"Okay. Is it similar to your 'experience'?" A nod, the shrink added, "You mind re-counting it?"

Octavia rolled her eyes at the woman's jab at her experience. No one believed her, not even the shrink that was supposed to be supportive. I mean, this is the psych ward, there are more crazies out there than Octavia Nolan. She knew she was crazy, but after this whole week of being home and coming only for her evaluations, she had been laughed at, and her experience been made fun of. So, for once she wished this lady would just believe her. 

The girl shrugged, letting out an exaggerated sigh. She knew she had to start from the beginning if she was going to get back to work. Just this entire time of her psych evaluations had been a drag, not really helping her mentally, more like making her see things the way the hospital sees it. 

"What happened last week was like a regular day. I was working blood work for Dr. Winston. I went to get the supplies and -" Octavia looked down, her eyes narrowing, "It was because I lost a patient and never found her." 

The shrink nodded, a small smile inching her face as she remembered the words Octavia said in the first session. "Right", glancing at her clipboard for quotes, "You claimed that she was dead."

Scratching the back of her neck, Octavia suddenly felt uncomfortable. She still had nightmares of that day in the closet, seeing the dead flesh of the girl reaching out to bit her. How her eyes were dull, and the smell - ugh, the smell was hazardous.

A snap of fingers drew her back to the shrink. 

Octavia cleared her throat removing her eyes from those of the shrink's. "Uh, yeah. The second night she was here, I had checked her room to not find her anywhere. So, I coded for a lost patient."

"Being your second in the past three years?"

Nodding, she moved her gaze to the table between them. Her mouth felt dry as she thought of the day afterwards, how it changed her perspective on everything. 

The shrink noticed her hesitance, and decided to fill in the gaps. "Felicia Grace was lost, her parents finding out through your Attending, Dr. Winston. The next day you were put in the pediatric ward, and you went to the storage closet to only run out screaming." She glanced up from her clipboard to the girl in front of her. "Claiming Felicia Grace was dead, that she was - and I quote- trying to eat me."

Octavia noticed the shrink's voice was very condescending, and flashes the woman a sly smile. "Call me crazy, but it adds flair to the situation." She jokes, though inside she was curling up in fear of the reality of what she saw. No one could have imagined it.

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