Part 1

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I honestly don't know how to title this lol


     He awoke near ten to the faint sound of his ringtone. After checking the caller ID, he answered.

     "Hi," he said gently. "What's up? Are you alright?"

     "I'm alright," his girlfriend replied. "I just can't sleep, and I know this is a terrible time but I just had a little anxiety attack because my parents went out and didn't leave a note, and-"

     "Hold on, I'll be right over." 

      She took a breath. "Thank you so much, this means a lot to me."

     "Don't mention it. I'm here for you."

     He succeed in finding a black hoodie, tossing it over his shoulder before exiting the room quietly. His parents were asleep; he couldn't risk waking them up, not after the whole, 'Son, we love you and its great that you've found a girlfriend, but please don't use the car after 10' conversation.

     "Are you still there?" She sounded slightly panicked.

     "Yes, sorry, I was lost in thought."

     "Its alright."

     "I'm starting the car now, okay? I'll be over in ten."

     She exhaled. "Okay. See you soon."

     "Bye." He hung up.

     After a smooth ride to her apartment, he managed to park successfully on the street and made his way inside. He rode the elevator to the third floor, traversing down the hall to her door after the short lift. 

     He only had to knock once. She was at the door, waiting for him.

     She hugged him almost immediately, a few tears escaping from the corners of her eyes.

     "Thank you so much for coming. It means a lot." She wiped at her eyes after ending the embrace. 

     "Seriously, don't mention it. I want you to feel safe, so... here I am." He put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to his chest.

     She put on a small smile and leaned into him.

     "Do you want to watch a movie, or resume that show that we were watching?" He asked after a bit.


     He led her to the couch, his arm leaving her shoulders for the briefest moment as he settled on the couch. She sat next to him, fumbling on the end table for the remote before hitting the power button. The screen lit up with a warm blue glow.

     After logging into her family's Paramount Plus account, she chose the show they were binging together. The very familiar theme began to play.

     They leaned into each other. She was just beginning to feel safe again, after being shaken by anxiety only minutes before. He planted a small kiss on her forehead. 

     She smiled, content.


Hello, dear human.

Did you know the brain can't make up faces? It's true. Our minds can alter our memories a bit, yet we cannot make completely new images.

That monster you saw in a dream? You've seen it before. You just didn't pay enough attention to notice.

That's the reason I chose to write about this, the subject of people without names. Not without identity, however.

Because the brain cannot create new images, you've experienced, read about, or seen this interaction between two people. 

On a happier slash less dark note, please leave comments or vote or whatever you do on this app. I would appreciate your requests, as well.

Have a wonderful day and or night, drink some water, be a nice human!! Many thanks for reading!!! :)

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