Chapter Fifteen

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"So, what exactly are we supposed to be doing?" Calum asked.

"Calum, do you have a class with Michael that Luke isn't in?" James asked back.

"Yes, we have English together," Calum answered.

James turned around towards Tristan and began to speak.

"Tristan, do you have a class with Luke that Michael isn't in?" James asked.

"Yeah, I have first period with him," Tristan answered nervously.

"Perfect. Now, allow me to explain the plan. Tristan, you tell Luke what I told you to tell him. Calum, do anything in your power to distract Michael in case Tristan's side of the plan doesn't work out like it is supposed to," James explained.

"Got it," Tristan and Calum said in unison.

"Good. Let's do this."

Luke walked towards his locker to get his belongings, but took a few steps back when he saw someone standing right in front of him, blocking his way.

"Tristan?" Luke asked, confused as to why Tristan was standing there, "What are you doing here?"

"It seems like you've found yourself a new friend," Tristan began, "Michael, is it?"

Luke nodded his head.

"The two of you seem pretty close," Tristan said, "Is there something going on between you guys?"

"I'd say we're pretty close," Luke said in agreement, "Do you have a problem with that?

"Believe it or not, I actually do," Tristan replied with a sinister laugh.

"Oh, I see what this is about. You think I'm replacing you," Luke said.

"Luke-" Tristan replied before being interrupted.

"Look, I'm sorry if it seems that way, Tris. I guess I have been spending a little too much time alone with Michael. The three of us can hang out at lunch. Michael's a really nice guy; I think you'll like him. Unless you would prefer that the two of us can just eat alone and catch up, if you want," Luks suggested.

"That's where you're wrong, Hemmings," Ttistan told him.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked.

He could tell something was going on.

"Is there something that Michael is hiding?" Luke thought to himself.

"First of all, this isn't about replacing me with Michael. I don't exactly feel that way, if I'm being completely honest with you. The thing is, though, Michael isn't being completely honest with you."

"Do you know something about him that I don't?" Luke asked, "I'd like to think I know him pretty well."

"There's a little rumor going around that Michael had gotten expelled at his last school. It was pretty much a miracle that he got here. I wouldn't even say it was a miracle. It seemed a bit like... the complete opposite," Tristan explained.

Luke began to get angry.

"I see that you're angry about this," Tristan said, laughing again, "Well, it's only the truth."

Tristan walked away with a smirk.

Luke immediately stormed off without saying anything else.

Of course he was pissed off, why wouldn't he be?

The thing that angered him the most was that he knew Michael was hiding something and didn't tell him, which led to someone else telling him. That one little secret could possibly change everything between them.

Author's Note: Hi! There is still more drama in the next couple chapters, so be prepared. I have decided that this story will have twenty chapters and an epilogue. I'm really excited to finish writing this story, but I'm also sad because it's almost done and I really loved writing it.

What are your thoughts on James' "plan?"

Tristan getting in a fight with Luke?

The possible "rumor" about Michael?

Do you think Michael is still hiding something?

-Megan :-)

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