The beginning.

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Everybody needs a beginning... here's mine, my name is Everett Bailey temple I come from New Hampshire, a small state... a boring state if you will, I go to a school called noble high, I'm in the second quarter. all I know is that we are getting another boring, white, blonde bitchy girl to our school, but I have this feeling.. this feeling something is different this time.  I guess I should probably fucking introduce myself eh? Welp, I come from a trailer park all my life, dad ain't in the picture he killed himself when I was 7, although 7 WAS my lucky number welp that changed quickly, I'm 15 now, I guess I can't say shit about the blonde girls and them being basic yeah let me describe my ugly self, i got brown eyes, i dont wear makeup, always have eyebags, brown hair with blonde streaks(moms idea to 'fit in' i only wear baggy shit, I guess im basic but I feel I have no choice in this town, more of state but everybody here is boring and judgy as fuck. When my dad killed himself I fell into I guess depression? My mom told me I was so upset and put me in therapy and on meds, I didnt really feel anything when he died, it's been that way ever since. my mom got hooked on drugs again when I turned 12, for my 12th birthday she replaced the sugar for the cake she was making for me with coke, yeh smart move Vanessa, anywho I ended up in the hospital my mom just told em I tried to overdoes so I went with it, somehow people fucking found out so in middle school I was known as "overdose Everett-y day" yeah kinda shitty but my trashy self learned how to put up with it, last week a girl was bullied into killing herself, kinda crazy that shit was splattered all over the fucking school bathroom walls, she was chill too, I liked that chick, anyway got off topic, my mom would like start "abusing" me? I guess you could call it, she's the only mother I've ever had don't ask me, she put cigarettes on my neck to burn me when I didn't get up to drive her across the road. Yeah, she let her 12 year old drive her drunk self, she didn't have a license and all but I guess it was fun, people say that shit ain't normal though, doesn't bother me I've been called weird my whole life, when i was 10 I developed a habit of self harm, on my thighs though, didn't really wanna kill myself just wanted to feel something. Eh I'm gonna stop writing in this peace of shit "therapy journal" now, peace out fuckhead guess I'll see u later?


Im not ready, ready for this. I was expecting to see so many people that were like me. Then again I've never really met anybody quite like me. I'm not saying i'm special But I am definitely
Different from the people in new hampshire. If you would like to picture me picture a 5'5 Sixteen year old girl, yellow teeth, big eyeliner, goth(kinda?) Pimples in the worst places, eyebrows never done, eyebags under my green eyes indented into my head, i have red with black hair A lot of layers in my hair , I always wear dark clothes I have bracelets all up my arms, honestly to cover up scars. I have tried to kill myself. If you really wanted to know me you would have to ask, so I'm sure I shouldn't have to write this down. I don't know why I'm even writing this. I guess I'm a bit nervous for school. I've never wanted to go to noble. I was hoping to go somewhere in Milton, even though that town is as boring as it is here. I had moved from Vermont. Good luck 2me....

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