Chapter 2: Pushing Boundaries

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The hum of the office had settled into its usual rhythm, but Olivia was anything but calm. It had been three weeks since she'd started working for Ethan Blackwell, and in that time, she had learned that he was a man who craved control above all else. He spoke in commands, his words always carefully measured. There was no room for frivolities or misunderstandings.

Yet, despite his guarded demeanor, Olivia sometimes felt the tension between them simmering, especially when his gaze lingered a little too long or his fingers brushed against hers when handing over a document. It was dangerous, she knew that. She was here to expose him, not to give in to her own desires. Still, she couldn't help but test his boundaries, to see how far she could go before he would break.

That afternoon, Olivia was seated at her desk when Ethan's door opened. He stood there, tall and imposing, his eyes fixed on her as though he had made some kind of decision. "Olivia, I need you in my office."

She stood quickly, her heart racing as she followed him inside. The door closed with a soft click, sealing them in. This time, he didn't sit behind his desk. Instead, he stood by the window, the sunlight casting sharp shadows over his angular face.

"I'm going to need you to accompany me to an event tomorrow night," he said, his voice calm, yet carrying that edge of authority she had come to expect.

Olivia blinked. Ethan was a man who kept his personal and professional lives separate. For him to ask her to attend something outside of the office felt... unusual. She tilted her head slightly, testing the waters. "An event? What kind of event?"

His gaze flickered over her, as if deciding how much to reveal. "A private gathering. Business. There will be an important man there-someone I've been looking to make a deal with."

Olivia's stomach tightened. Ethan was hiding something, that much was clear. "Who is this man?" she asked carefully.

Ethan's eyes darkened, his jaw tightening ever so slightly. "That's not your concern. Just be ready by eight."

She bit her lip, considering how far she could push. "I'd like to know more, Mr. Blackwell. If I'm going to represent you at an event like this, I should be prepared."

For a moment, silence hung heavy between them. Ethan took a step closer, his gaze locked on hers, his presence overwhelming. "What you need to know is that you'll be there as my assistant. Nothing more. You do your job, you follow my lead, and you don't ask questions."

Olivia swallowed, fighting the urge to step back. "Understood."

He watched her a moment longer, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he were searching for something in her expression. "Good."

But as he turned back to his desk, there was a shift in his demeanor-something almost imperceptible. Olivia had gotten good at reading people over the years, but Ethan was a fortress, his emotions carefully guarded. Yet today, there was a crack in his armor. Something had changed.

Before she could dwell on it, her phone buzzed in her pocket. A subtle, coded message from her team. They needed an update. She excused herself from Ethan's office, her pulse racing as she made her way to the bathroom-one of the few places she could send information without drawing suspicion.

Standing in a stall, Olivia typed out a quick text on the untraceable phone her handler had given her:
"Meeting an important man tomorrow night. High-level business. No name given. Suspect illegal deal."

She pressed send, her heart pounding in her chest. Every time she communicated with the team, the risk of being caught loomed over her. Ethan was sharp. If he even suspected she wasn't who she claimed to be, her cover would be blown. And she knew exactly what happened to people who crossed him.

Back at her desk, Olivia tried to focus on her work, but her thoughts kept circling back to the event. Who was this mysterious man Ethan wanted to do business with? And why was he bringing her into it?

Her thoughts were interrupted when Ethan's voice came through the intercom. "Olivia, come back in here."

She straightened her posture, smoothing her skirt before entering his office once again. This time, the air felt different-charged with something unspoken.

Ethan stood behind his desk, a file in his hand. He tossed it onto the surface in front of her, his expression hard. "Care to explain this?"

Olivia's breath caught as she saw the file. Her fake resume. The one she'd crafted so meticulously to secure this position. She felt the blood drain from her face, but forced herself to remain calm. "What about it?"

Ethan's eyes bore into hers. "I ran a background check. Some of your credentials... don't add up."

Her heart pounded in her chest. She knew this moment would come eventually, but not this soon. She had to think fast. "There's nothing wrong with my resume, Mr. Blackwell. Maybe your sources made a mistake."

His gaze didn't waver. He was testing her, waiting for her to crack. "I don't make mistakes when it comes to vetting my employees."

The tension between them was suffocating. For a moment, Olivia considered confessing, but that would ruin everything. She had to keep playing the part. "I don't know what to tell you. Everything on there is accurate."

Ethan stepped closer, his eyes scanning her face for any sign of a lie. "I don't like being lied to, Olivia."

Her pulse raced. He was close now, too close, and she could feel the heat of his body, the intensity of his presence wrapping around her like a vice.

"I'm not lying," she whispered, praying her voice didn't betray her fear.

For what felt like an eternity, he stared at her, the weight of his suspicion heavy in the air. Then, just as quickly as it had appeared, the tension broke. He stepped back, his expression unreadable once again. "I'll be watching you closely."

Olivia nodded, her throat tight. "Understood."

He dismissed her with a wave of his hand, and she left his office, her legs trembling as she returned to her desk. She had narrowly escaped that one, but it wouldn't be the last time Ethan questioned her. She could feel it.


Later that evening, Olivia sat at a small café, her untraceable phone hidden in her purse as she sipped her coffee. Across the street, she spotted the man from her team. He gave her a quick nod before sliding into the seat across from her, keeping his voice low.

"What do you have for us?"

Olivia glanced around, making sure no one was watching. "He's meeting someone tomorrow night. High profile. There's going to be a deal, but he won't give me details."

The agent frowned. "We need a name, Olivia. Anything you can find."

She nodded. "I'm working on it. But he's getting suspicious. He ran a background check on me."

His eyes widened. "Did he find anything?"

"No, I covered it. But I don't know how long I can keep this up."

He leaned forward, his voice urgent. "You need to get closer to him. We need concrete evidence to take him down."

Olivia sighed, the weight of the mission pressing down on her. "I know."

As the agent slipped out of the café, Olivia sat back in her seat, her mind racing. She was playing a dangerous game, and every move she made brought her closer to the edge.

Tomorrow night would be the real test. She had to get through the event without blowing her cover. But something told her that Ethan wouldn't make it easy.

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