Who Am I but A Broken Sword (Season Finale)

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[Camelot, 10 days before rebirth, Igraine POV]

nothing was the same, I heard that Connor was a Callaghan but i never cared about that, all that matters is his heart, his allies were beyond angered that the family that neglect and disown him aren't even his family at all, but are snakes who stole an egg from two powerful dragons that can burn everything down in vengeance, Stacy was calming her sister down, Toshi was sharpening his weaponry and Sven became more of a berserker than ever, I fear for all of them, but most of all, Sir Connor, who was now in his room in isolation, having discovered that his nemesis was his own father took a massive toll on his mental strength, his old life was a lie, he vowed if he was taken back to the Archipelago, he will wipe out his deadbeat tormentors, not a single soul standing.

Father came up to me, asking has Connor been well, i tell him no every time.

Father: dark times are ahead Igraine, Alaric and his family are planning something, i swear by it, Merlin is interrogating Dimitrescu as we speak, despite her beauty, Merlin knows his priorities.

me: I want to confess to you.

i then explain to him of my love for Connor, from the day we met to the here and now, his demeanor was stiff, then he looked at me with honest eyes.

Father: just like how i met your mother.

then Merlin arrived to give news to Father about some deity sending a champion to bring justice to the world and to get rid of a 'Union Academy'. From what I heard; Connor muttered something about them being as sinful as sinners from the Old Testament of the Bible, and God's Wall collapsing because of it. If this Union is as bad as the heroes say, then we must act fast.

[Connor POV]

liars, all of them, first Union lied about their heroism and now Raphael lying to me about my heritage! Uncle Lloyd and Uncle Maximus have been trying to get me to train for the final assault on the Callaghans, but they're my family but also my enemies, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS WHAT ANYMORE!!

I go to therapy and counseling daily by order of the King as many kingdoms of the Mythic West, even the Muppet Republic, are sending their regards for me, for i have saved them many times yet i refuse rewards.

it goes without saying that I was a fool for believing Raph, I do love Igraine so very much, but my past relations and an attempted harem failed me big time.

???: (ghostly) Connor.

me: i know you're there Lloyd, piss off


then i jumped 10 feet off my bed and saw someone who I thought I'd never see again.


grandpa: no, I'm not, I'm a ghost, sent by the Lord Almighty to help your ass, I know that you're filled with revenge against Alaric and those stuck-up twats--

me: he's my father, all the Callaghans are my missing family.

[3rd person]

Nick: of course they are boy, that's why i fought your dad, so you don't have to die.

Connor: what shall I do grandpa, i cannot kill my family.

Nick: damn straight boy, Merlin and i have spoken about the dangers of you knowing your heritage, but Alaric's eye is on something else now.

Connor: and if he's distracted by that something, I CAN KICK HIS ASS DOWN!!

he then hugged the confused ghost as the boy grabbed his shield and armor, then jumped on Charlemagne and his new robotic hand that can summon his sword.

Mythic West: a Union Academy TaleWhere stories live. Discover now